About the Chemistry Department
Leading discovery in the chemical sciences through cutting-edge research and instruction
The Department of Chemistry at Kansas State University offers exciting educational, research, and professional opportunities for our students, researchers, faculty, and staff. Together, with our faculty leaders in the chemical sciences and state-of-the-art instrumentation and facilities, the department is a pivotal component of the university contiuously growing in research and educational aspects.
- The department looks beyond the traditional divisions of chemistry (analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical) and is proud to offer research in more cutting edge area's of the chemical sciences and beyond. See our research themes for more information.
- Our undergraduate educational program is designed to not only give an immersive and detailed curriculum, but also blends the importance of hands-on applications to our degrees. Learn more about our undergraduate academics and undergraduate research opportunities.
- Our students are successful competitors for prestigious national scholarships such as the Goldwater, Fulbright, McNair, and National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships.
- A strong and vibrant research program is critical for the training of both undergraduate and graduate students. Our strong RO1 research program empowers our students through cutting edge chemical science research, state-of-the-art instructional and research facilities to gain positions in top educational programs or with a wide variety of industrial, government, and non-profit organizations.