
55. Madayar, F.R.; Basset, S.; Farooq, O.; Rothenburg, S.; Culbertson, C.T.; Jun, L. AC Dielectrophoretic Manipulation, Impedance Monitoring and Electroporation of Vaccinia Virus Using Carbon Nanoelectrode Arrays. 2016 Electrophoresis submitted.

54. Sadeghi, J.; Patabadige, D.E.W.; Culbertson, A.H.; Latifi, H. and Culbertson, C.T. Out-of-plane integration of a multimode optical fiber for single particle/cell detection at multiple points on a microfluidic device with applications to particle/cell counting, velocimetry, size discrimination and the analysis of single cell lysate injections. 2016 Lab Chip. Just Accepted DOI: 10.1039/c6lc01161f

53. Patabadige, D.E.W.; Sadeghi, J.; Latifi, H.; Culbertson, A.; and Culbertson, C.T. Integration of Optical Fibers with Multilayer Microfluidic Devices for Single Cell Analysis, 2016, Analytical Chemistry, ASAP article. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b03133.

52. Patabadige, D.E.W.; Mickleburgh, T.; Ferris, L.; Brummer, G.; Culbertson, A. and Culbertson, C.T. High Throughput Microfluidic Device for Single Cell Analysis using Multiple Integrated Soft Lithographic Pumps, 2016, Electrophoresis, 37(10) pp. 1337-1344 DOI: 10.1002/elps.201500557

51. Patabadige, D.E.W.; Jia, S.; Sibbitts, J.; Sadeghi, J.; Sellens, K.; and Culbertson, C.T. Micrototal Analysis Systems: Fundamental Advances and applications. 2016, Analytical Chemistry 88(1), pp. 320-338. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b04310

50. Madiyar, FR; Saheel, B; Swisher, LZ; Culbertson, CT; Huang, X; Li, J. Integration of a nanostructured dielectrophoretic device and a surface-enhanced Raman probe for highly sensitive rapid bacteria detection. 2015. Nanoscale. 7(8), pp. 3726-3736. DOI: 10.1039/c4nr07183b

49. Culbertson, CT; Mickleburgh, TG; Stewart-James, SA; Sellens, KA; Pressnall, M. Micro Total Analysis Systems: Fundamental Advances and Biological Applications. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86(1), 95–118. DOI: 10.1021/ac403688g

48. Madiyar, FR; Syed, LU; Culbertson, CT and Li, J. Manipulation of bacteriophages with dielectrophoresis on carbon nanofiber nanoelectrode arrays. Electrophoresis 2013, 34(7), 1123-1130.

47. Metto, EC; Evans, K; Barney, P; Culbertson, AH; Gunasekara, DB; Caruso, G; Hulvey, MK; Fracassi da Silva, JA; Lunte, SM; Culbertson, CT. An Integrated Microfluidic Device for Monitoring Changes in Nitric Oxide Production in Single T-Lymphocyte (Jurkat) Cells, Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85(21), 10188-10195. DOI: 10.1021/ac401665u

46. Mainz ER, Gunasekara DB, Caruso G, Jensen DT, Hulvey MK, da Silva JAF, et al. Monitoring intracellular nitric oxide production using microchip electrophoresis and laser-induced fluorescence detection. Analytical Methods. 2012;4(2):414-20.

45. Syed, LU, Liu, J, Price AK, Li, Y-F, Culbertson, CT, and Li, J. “Dielectrophoretic Capture of E. coli Cells at Nanoelectroode Arrays.” Electrophoresis, 2011, 32(17), 2358-2365.

44. Bani-Yaseemn, AD, Kawaguchi, T, Price, AK. Culbertson, CT, and Jankowiak, R. “Integrated microfluidic device for the separation and electrochemical detection of catechol estrogen-derived DNA adducts.” Anal Bioanal Chem, 2011, 399 519-524 (PMID 21058011)

43. Klasner, SA, Metto, EC, Roman GT and Culbertson*, CT. “Correction to Synthesis and Characterization of a Poly(dimethylsiloxane)-Poly(ethylene oxide) Block Copolymer for Fabrication of Amphiphilic Surfaces on Microfluidic Devices.” Langmuir, 2010, 26(8) 6078 (DOI: 10.1021/la100097v).

42. Klasner SA, Price AK, Hoeman KW, Wilson, RS, Bell, KJ, and Culbertson, CT. “Paper-based microfluidic devices for analysis of clinically relevant analytes present in urine and saliva.” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2010 397(5), 1821-1829. (PMID 20425107)

41. Price AK, and Culbertson*, CT. “Generation of Nonbiased Hydrodynamic Injections on Microfluidic Devices Using Integrated Dielectric Elastomer Actuators.” Anal. Chem. 2009 81(21), 8942-8948 (DOI: 10.1021/ac9015837). (PMID 19817486)

40. Lange, JJ, Collinson, MM, Culbertson, CT, and Higgins, DA. “Single Molecule Studies of Oligomer Extraction and Uptake of Dyes in Poly(dimethylsiloxane Films.” Anal. Chem. 2009 81(24), 10089-10096 (DOI: 10.1021/ac902250p) (PMID 19928808).

39. Klasner, SA, Metto, EC, Roman GT and Culbertson*, CT. “Synthesis and Characterization of a Poly(dimethylsiloxane)-Poly(ethylene oxide) Block Copolymer for Fabrication of Amphiphilic Surfaces on Microfluidic Devices.” Langmuir, 2009, 25(17) 10390-10396 (DOI: 10.1021/la900920q). (PMID 19572528)

38. Hoeman, KW, Roman, GT and Culbertson*, CT. “Electrokinetic Trapping using Titania Nanoporous Membranes Fabricated using Sol-Gel Chemistry on Microfluidic Devices.” Electrophoresis 2009, 30, 1-8. (PMID 19130569)

37. Price, AK., Anderson, KM. and Culbertson*, CT. “Demonstration of an Integrated Dielectric Elastomer Actuator on a Microfluidic Electrophoresis Device.” Lab on a Chip 2009, 6, 2076-2084.(DOI: 10.1039/b823465e). (PMID 19568678)

36. Hoeman, KW and Culbertson*, CT. “A Novel, Environmentally Friendly Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate-, Cocamidopropyl betaine- Cocamide Monoethanolamine- Containing Buffer for MEKC on Microfluidic Devices.” Electrophoresis. 2008, 24, 4900-4905. (PMID 19130569)

35. Lange JJ, Culbertson CT, Higgins DA. Single Molecule Studies of Solvent-Dependent Diffusion and Entrapment in Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Thin Films. Anal. Chem. 2008, 80, 9726-9734. (PMID 19006339)

34. Price AK and Culbertson*, CT. “Chemical Analysis of Single Mammalian Cells using Microfluidic Devices.” Analytical Chemistry2007, 79(7), 2614-2621. (PMID 17476726)

33. Roman GT, Chen YL, Viberg P, Culbertson AH, Culbertson CT. Single-cell manipulation and analysis using microfluidic devices. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2007;387(1):9-12.

32. Meyer, AR, Clark, AM, Culbertson*, CT. “The Effect of Photomask Resolution on Separation Efficiency in Microfabricated Devices.” Lab on a Chip 2006, 6, 1355 – 1361. (PMID 17102849)

31. Xie, A., Roman, G.T., Culbertson, C.T., Higgins, D.A. “Optical Microscopy Studies of Polymer/Liquid-Crystal Diffractive Optics.” Proc SPIE 2006 vol. 6135, 613505 (invited)

30. Roman, G. T., Culbertson*, C.T. “Surface Engineering of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Microfluidic Devices Using Sol-Gel Chemistry.” Langmuir 2006 22(9) 4445-4451.

29. Roman, G. T., Carroll, S., McDaniel, K. Culbertson*, C.T. “Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography of Fluorescently Labeled Proteins on Poly(dimethylsiloxane)-based Microchips.” Electrophoresis 2006, 27 2933-2939.

28. Roman, G. T., McDaniel, K. Culbertson*, C.T. “High Efficiency Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography of Hydrophobic Analytes on Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Microchips.” The Analyst 2006 131(2), 194-201. HOT ARTICLE

27. Culbertson, C. T., Roman, G.T., Tugnawat, Y., Meyer, A., Ramsey, J. M. and Gonda, S. R. “Microchip Separations in Reduced- and Hypergravity Environments.” Anal. Chem. 2005, 77(24), 7933-7940. Highlighted in RESEARCH FOCUS of A-PAGE MAGAZINE

26. Roman, G. T., Hlaus, T., Bass, K., Seelhammer, T., and Culbertson*, C. T. “Sol-gel Modified Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Microfluidic Devices with High Electroosmotic Mobilities and Hydrophilic Channel Wall Characteristics.” Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, 1414-1422

25. Poulsen, C. R., Culbertson, C. T., Jacobson, S. J., and Ramsey, J. M. Static and Dynamic Acute Cytotoxicity Assays on Microfluidic Devices.” Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, 667-672

24. McClain, M. A., Culbertson, C. T., Jacobson, S. C., and Ramsey, J. M. “Microfluidic Devices for the High Throughput Chemical Analysis of Cells.” Analytical Chemistry 2003, 75, 5646-5655.

23. McKnight, TE; Melechko, AV; Guillorn, MA; Merkulov, VI; Doktycz, MJ; Culbertson, CT; Jacobson, SC; Lowndes, DH; Simpson, ML. “Effects of Microfabrication Processing on the Electrochemistry of Carbon Nanofiber Electrodes.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2003, 107(39), 10722-10728.

22. Tsouris, C, Culbertson, CT, DePaoli, DW, Jacobson, SC, de Almeida, VF, and Ramsey, JM. “Electrohydrodynamic Mixing in Microchannels.” AIChE 2003, 49, 2181-2186.

21. Ramsey, JD, Jacobson, SC, Culbertson, CT, and Ramsey, JM. “High-Efficiency, Two-Dimensional Separations of Protein Digests on Microfluidic Devices.” Analytical Chemistry 2003, 75, 3758-3764.

20. Yao, Z-H, Yoder, GL, Culbertson, CT, Ramsey, JM. “Numerical Simulation of Dispersion Generated by a 180˚ Turn in a Microchannel.” Chinese Physics 2002, 11, 226-232.

19. Culbertson, CT, Jacobson, SC, and Ramsey, JM. “Diffusion Coefficient Measurements on Microfluidic Devices.” Talanta 2002, 56, 365-373.

18. McClain, MA, Culbertson, CT Jacobson, SC, and Ramsey, JM. “Flow Cytometry of E. coli on Microfluidic Devices.” Analytical Chemistry 2001, 73, 5334-5338.

17. McKnight, TE Culbertson, CT, Jacobson, SC, and Ramsey, JM. “Electroosmotically Induced Hydraulic Pumping on Microfluidic Devices with Integrated Electrodes.” Analytical Chemistry 2001, 73, 4045-4049.

16. Gottschlish, N, Jacobson, SJ, Culbertson, CT, and Ramsey, JM. “Two-dimensional Electrochromatography/Capillary Electrophoresis Microchip Device.” Analytical Chemistry 2001, 73(11), 2669-2674.

15. Culbertson, CT, Jacobson, SC, and Ramsey, JM. “Microchip Devices for High Efficiency Separations.” Analytical Chemistry 2000, 72(23), 5814-5819.

14. Gottschlish, N., Culbertson, C. T., McKnight, T. E., Jacobson, S. C., and Ramsey, J. M. “Integrated Microchip-Device for the Digestion, Separation and Postcolumn Labeling of Proteins and Peptides.” Journal of Chromatography B 2000, 745, 243-249.

13. Liu, Y., Foote, R. S., Culbertson, C. T., Jacobson, S. C., Ramsey, R. S., and Ramsey, J. M. “Electrophoretic Separation of Proteins on Microchips.” Journal of Microcolumn Separations 2000, 12(7), 407-411.

12. Culbertson, C. T., Ramsey, R. S. and Ramsey, J. M. “Selective Ion Transport using Electrokinetic Pumps on Microchips.” Analytical Chemistry 2000, 72(10), 2285-2291.

11. Alarie, J. P., Jacobson, S. J., Culbertson, C. T. and Ramsey, J. M. “Effects of the Electric Field Distribution on Microchip Valving Performance.” Electrophoresis 2000, 21(1), 100-106.

10. Culbertson, C. T. and Jorgenson, J. W. “Lowering the UV Absorbance Detection Limit and Increasing the Sensitivity of Capillary Electrophoresis Using a Dual Linear Photodiode Array Detector and Signal Averaging.” Journal of Microcolumn Separations 1999, 11(9), 652-662.

9. Schrum, D. S., Culbertson, C. T., Jacobson, S. C. and Ramsey, J. M. “Microchip Flow Cytometry Using Electrokinetic Focusing.” Analytical Chemistry 1999, 71, 4173-4177.

8. Culbertson, C. T. and Jorgenson, J. W. “Separation of Fluorescently Derivatized Deuterated Isotopomers of Phenylalanine using Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography and Flow Counterbalanced Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography.” Journal of Microcolumn Separations 1999, 11(3), 175-183.

7. Culbertson, C. T. and Jorgenson, J. W. “Increasing the Resolving Power of Capillary Electrophoresis through Electroosmotic Flow Control using Radial Fields.” Journal of Microcolumn Separations 1999, 11(3), 167-174.

6. Culbertson, C. T., Jacobson, S. C. and Ramsey, J. M. “Dispersion Sources for Compact Geometries on Microchips.” Analytical Chemistry 1998, 70, 3781-3789.

5. Jacobson, S. C, Culbertson, C. T., Daler, J. E., and Ramsey, J. M. “Microchip Structures for Sub-Millisecond Electrophoresis.” Analytical Chemistry 1998, 70, 3476-3480.

4. Culbertson, C. T. and Jorgenson, J. W. “Lowering the UV Absorbance Detection Limit in Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Using a Single Linear Photodiode Array Detector.” Analytical Chemistry 1998, 70, 2629-2638.

3. Coe, B. J., Thompson, D. W., Culbertson, C. T. , Schoonover, J. R. and Meyer, T. J. “Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Mono-(2,2' : 6',2" - Terpyridine) Complexes of Ruthenium(II).” Inorganic Chemistry 1995, 34, 3385-3395.

2. Culbertson, C. T. and Jorgenson, J. W. “Flow Counterbalanced Capillary Electrophoresis.” Analytical Chemistry 1994, 66(7), 955-962.

1. Deutsch, H. M., Schweri, M. M., Culbertson, C. T., and Zalkow, L. H. “Synthesis and Pharmacology of Irreversible Affinity Labels as Potential Cocaine Antagonists: aryl 1,4 dialkylpiperazines related to GBR-12783.” European Journal of Pharmacology 1992 ,220(2-3), 173-180.