Group News
Invited Talk |
Invited Talk |
Invited Talk |
New Paper |
New Group Member Welcome new graduate student Lamontain Udube! |
New Grant Our lab has been awarded an NSF CAREER (Award #2240021) to investigate confinements effects and emergent reactivity in multifunctional MOFs. The educational portion of this award is aimed at increasing the retention of Black chemists at K-State, with the NOBCChE student chapter serving as the primary vehicle for this aim. |
Oral & Poster Presentations Pricilla and Ishara gave talks, and Margret presented a poster at NOBCChE's 50th Annual Meeting in New Orleans. |
Award Congratulations to graduate student Pricilla Matseketsa who won the 1st poster prize at the 2024 Texas Pore Engineering Conference. This earned her the opportunity to give an oral presentation in front all conference attendees. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents at the 2024 Texas Pore Engineering Conference. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents at the Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering Young Researcher Conference at Texas A&M. |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents for the Great Plains Catalysis Society (GPCS) – Webinar Series. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at the University of Oklahoma's Department of Chemistry. |
Oral Presentation Pricilla presents at the 2022 North American Supramolecular Chemistry meeting in New Orleans. |
New Group Member Welcome to new grad (and former REU) student Terrell Campbell to the Gadzikwa Lab! |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at the University of Nebraska, Omaha's Department of Chemistry. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at Texas Tech University's Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte's Department of Chemistry. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents in the "Emerging Areas in Inorganic Chemistry" symposium at the 264th ACS National Meeting. |
Graduations Great weekend for Kanchana and her mentee Amanda. Kanchana was hooded and received her PhD at the Graduate Student Commencement (along with her husband Buddhika who received his MSc. in Mechanical Engineering). Amanda received her BSc. in Chemistry the next day. Congratulations to them all! |
Awards Congratulations to Pricilla for being awarded a Berschied and Derstadt Graduate Fellowship and Karrin for earning an Undergraduate Classroom Award! They were presented with them at the PLU Banquet. |
Ph.D. Defense Congratulations to Dr. Kanchana Samarakoon! She successfully defended her dissertation on March 28th, becoming the Gadzikwa Lab’s first PhD. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at the University of Iowa's Department of Chemistry. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at Pittsburg State University's Department of Chemistry. |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents a Keynote Lecture at the 3rd Africans in STEM Symposium (Cambridge, UK). |
New Group Member Welcome new graduate student Margret Pagare! |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at the University of South Dakota's Department of Chemistry. |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents a Keynote Lecture at the Virtual Pan-African Conference on Crystallography (Johannesburg, RSA). |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents at the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in the "From Coordination Polymers to Metal-Organic Frameworks: The Chemistry and Application of Scaffolding Materials" symposium. |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents at the American Chemical Society Wichita Section meeting. |
Award Congratulations to Kanchana for winning the PLU Graduate Student Award. She presented her award talk after the PLU Distinguished Lecture on 15th April 2021. |
New Group Member Welcome to new postdoc Donovan Mafukidze! |
Graduation |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents the Inaugural NOBCChE Lecture at the University of Michigan. |
New Group Member
Welcome to new graduate student Ishara Pothupitiya! |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at McMaster University's Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology. |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents to the Complex Systems in Synthesis & Catalysis Lab at University of Strasbourg. |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents the Department of Chemistry's seminar at her alma mater Macalester College. |
NOBCChE The Kansas State University National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) Student Chapter was approved by the National Board at the 2020 NOBCChE Virtual Conference! The effort to establish he K-State chapter was lead by members Hawa Dembele, Edruce Edouarzin, Pricilla Matseketsa, Kelly Shunje, Abdulhafiz Usman and advisor Tendai Gadzikwa. Visit the website. |
Virtual Invited Talk
Tendai presents the inorganic seminar at University of Delaware's Department of Chemistry. |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at Siena College's Department of Chemistry. |
Virtual Invited Talk Tendai presents in the Johnson Group Seminar Series, Department of Chemistry, MIT. |
Postdoc Vacancy We are seeking a full-time, benefits eligible postdoctoral researcher for the lab. The postdoctoral researcher will conduct research in MOF-based supramolecular catalysis. The work will involve MOF and/or ligand synthesis, materials characterization, and catalysis. This is an opportunity to participate in NSF-funded research that is at the cusp of Organic, Inorganic and Materials Chemistry. |
Award Graduate student Kanchana Samarakoon was awarded a poster prize at the virtual Systems Chemistry 2020 Symposium. She won within the emergent category and gave an oral presentation in the prize winner section of the symposium. |
Congratulations to Kanchana Samarakoon for receiving a the Ohno Award in recognition of exceptional graduate research! |
New Paper Congratulations to Kanchana, and co-workers, for publishing her second 1st author paper in Mol. Sys. Des. Eng. titled “Uniform and simultaneous orthogonal functionalization of a metal–organic framework material” DOI:10.1039/C9ME00182D |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at K-States Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics. |
New Paper Congratulations to Mohammad and co-workers for their paper in Molecules titled “Hydrogen-Bonding Linkers Yield a Large-Pore, Non-Catenated, Metal-Organic Framework with pcu Topology” DOI: 10.3390/molecules25030697 |
Invited Talk Tendai presents at Nanoporous Materials and Their Applications Gordon Research Conference in Andover, New Hampshire. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at Fort Hays University 's Department of Chemistry. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents at 6th International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF 2018) in Auckland, New Zealand. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents at in the Materials and Interfacial Chemistry Symposium at the 53rd Midwest Regional Meeting (MWRM) of the American Chemical Society at Iowa State University. |
Public Talk |
Invited Talk |
Invited Talk |
Postdoc Vacancy We are seeking a full-time, benefits eligible postdoctoral researcher for the lab. The postdoctoral researcher will conduct research in MOF-based supramolecular catalysis. The work will involve MOF and/or ligand synthesis, materials characterization, and catalysis. This is an opportunity to participate in NSF-funded research that is at the cusp of Organic, Inorganic and Materials Chemistry. |
New Grant Our lab has been awarded an NSF grant (Award #1800517) to construct enzyme-inspired catalytic MOFs for asymmetric hydroamination! |
Graduation Congratulations to underdrads Pattrick Gillespie and Mechelle McCoy! |
Poster Presentation Undergrauate Daniel (Danny) Pivaral presents at the Developing Scholars Symposium |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at Univerrsity of Nebraska Omaha's Department of Chemistry. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at Benedictine College's Department of Chemistry. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents at the at the 52nd Midwest Regional Meeting (MWRM) of the American Chemical Society at the University of Kansas. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at Pittsburg State University's Department of Chemistry. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at Univerrsity of Nebraska Kearney's Department of Chemistry. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents the departmental seminar at the K-State Department of Chemical Engineering. |
Invited Talk Tendai presents her first invited talk at the Midwest Organic Solid-State Chemistry Symposium XXVII. |
New Group Members
Welcome to new graduate students Kanchana Samarakoon and Christopher Satterfield! |
New Lab |