Departmental Seminars

All lectures are in King 4 at 1:30 pm unless indicated otherwise.

September 1, 2015 (Tues) Meyya Meyyappan
Nasa Ames Research Center
Title: Nanotechnology in Sensor Development
Host Dr. Jun Li
September 3, 2015 Jeffrey Comer
Kansas State University
Title: Prediction of Adsorption Affinities of Small Molecules on Nanomaterials.
Host: Dr. Aikens
September 24, 2015 Ryan Steele
University of Utah
Title: Vibrational Signatures of Electronic Properties in Energy and Biology.
Host: Dr. Aikens
October 15, 2015 Kenneth Seddon
Queen's University, Belfast
Title: Industrial Applications of Ionic Liquids.
Host: Dr. Aakeroy
October 29, 2015 Chris Ackerson
Colorado State University
Title: Inorganic Nanoparticles and their Biological Applications.
Host: Dr. Aikens
November 5, 2015

Bret Flanders
Kansas State University
Title: Materials and Cells, at the Nanoscale.
Host: Dr. Ito

November 19, 2015

Geoff Strouse
Florida State University
Title: How Microwave Chemistry Has Allowed Rapid Synthesis of Nanocrystals for Solid State Lighting, Magnetism, and Bio-Medical Research. NSF ADVANCE Lecture
Host: Dr. McLaurin

December 3, 2015*
King 209, 3:30 pm

Alex Prokofjevs
Northwestern University
Title: The Power of Organometallic Chemistry: From C-H Functionalization to Supramolecular Chemistry.
Host: Dr. Aakeroy

December 8, 2015*
King 209, 3:30 pm

Tendai Gadzikwa
University of Alberta
Title: Molecular Architecture: Design, Construction & Application of Supramolecular, Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials.
Host: Dr. Aakeroy

December 10, 2015*
King 209, 3:30 pm

Brannon Gary
Stanford University
Title: Model Copper Complexes with Biological Ligation: Expanding Evidence for the Copper(III) Oxidation State in Biology.
Host: Dr. Aakeroy

December 15, 2015*
King 209, 3:30 pm

Sharon Neufeldt
Title: C-H Functionalization: Experiment and Theory.
Host: Dr. Aakeroy