KSU-Chemistry NSF-REU Summer Program

**K-State is having some small IT issues. If after filling out this form and hitting submit you get the error message at the top of the page "The form was not able to be submitted. Please contact site admin", save the page as a PDF (this will contain all your information) and email it to rjraff@ksu.edu and chemistryreu@ksu.edu. Thank you and sorry for the IT issues.**

Completed applications must be received no later than by 11:59pm on February 16, 2024 to receive priority consideration. Read through what is required for submit your application before you start to fill out this form, as they can not be saved. 

For your application to be complete we will need:

1. This electronic application completed. See questions below.
2. A single "PDF" file saved with the file name "Last Name-First Name-REU 2024" that contains the following items in the following order: i) Current Resume, ii) official or unoffical college transcript, and iii) your personal essay (see below for more details on this).
3. Two letters of recommendation.

Please be sure that the two reference letters are submitted to our office no later than February 12, 2024.

If you should have any questions please contact Professor Ryan J. Rafferty (rjraff@ksu.edu).

*All fields are required unless otherwise indicated.*



Month Year



Please refer to this link for mentors ((http://www.k-state.edu/chem/undergrad/research/experiences/projects/)).


Name, email (example: John Smith, jsmith@university.edu)

If these change prior to the due date, please email us and let us know with the subject like (LOR change and your name)


Please send ALL materials listed below to chemistryreu@ksu.edu by the deadline.

1. Request reference letters from two faculty members or other professional mentors who can attest meaningfully to your accomplishments and research potential. Make sure your name is in the Subject Line of the email.

2. In a single email, please include your single "PDF" file with the following information saved as "Last Name-First Name-REU YEAR" that contains the following items in the following order: i) Current Resume, ii) official or unoffical college transcript, and iii) your personal essay.
Essay directions/guidance: Submit an essay (approximately 500 words) that describes your general interest in chemistry, your academic and career goals, and the reason you would like to participate in this REU program. As part of the essay please state the reasoning for the faculty professors who you ranked as potential mentors for whom you'd like to work. (This is an important part of the application).