2025 Pilot & Primary Research Project Request for Application (RFA)

A primary objective of CNAP is to support the development of junior investigators into independently funded investigators and to develop a critical mass of investigators who can compete for peer-reviewed extramural funding in neuroplasticity research. To this end, CNAP invites Pilot Project or Primary Project proposal applications from junior investigators whose research interests include neural plasticity.

The RFA can be downloaded here.

The submission timeline is as follows:

November 7, 2024 (5 PM Central)

Letter of Intent:

Submit a letter of intent with the project title, abstract (500 words max), proposed project grant mentor(s) names, email addresses, and a brief description of qualifications. The letter should also include the names of 3-5 recommended reviewers, their institutions, email addresses, and a brief description of their relevant research interests.

Dec 3, 2024 (5 PM Central)

Full Proposal:

Submit all proposal materials as a single compiled PDF file to cnap@ksu.edu. Arrange contents in the order listed on pages 3-4 of the RFA.

If the attachment is too large, applicants may share their proposals via email using a cloud link such as OneDrive.

June 1, 2025

Grant awards begin.

The timeline for reviews is aspirational. Reviewers may take longer to complete their assignments, and the time frame for NIGMS approval may take longer than planned. We will do our best to keep as close to the timeline as possible.

Some grantees may be asked to revise and re-submit their grants. In these cases, we will construct a new timeline in consultation with the applicant.

Also, upon review, applicants may be recommended for the funding mechanism for which they did not directly apply. For example, applicants applying for a pilot project may invited to receive a primary project award and vice versa.

Note: Applicants should submit all materials through their host institution's pre-award services/research office. The applicant organization’s signing official should sign the face page. Materials should be submitted as a single package via email to cnap@ksu.edu.