Guideline #17
Privately Owned Animals on University Agricultural Property
1. References: K-State PPM 7840.100
2. Purpose/Scope: This IACUC guideline supplements K-State campus PPM 7840.100 policy to address specific instances where employees living or working on university agricultural property have nonuniversity owned animals present at the work site, or barn cats or herding dogs are present for pest control or herd management. Most frequently, this applies to horses, dogs, and cats at Animal Science and Industry (AS&I) Units. Allowing privately-owned animals in the AS&I units is a departmental management decision, and when they are present, the following IACUC requirements must be met. Costs incurred and responsibility for payment is a management decision.
2.1 Animals must be in apparent good health with no obvious illnesses or parasite infestations
2.2 Injured or ill animals must receive timely, appropriate, and documented veterinary treatment/care
2.3 Animals must have ready documentation of a preventive health program, as evidenced by current vaccination and/or testing records as appropriate (see below for minimum requirements by species)
2.4 Adequate food and housing for the animals must be available if in residence
2.5 Animals must be appropriately restrained to minimize potential injuries to themselves, personnel, students, and/or other animals
2.6 Animals must have a positive temperament to minimize injury, or distress, to personnel, students, and/or other animals.
3. For dog and cat vaccination, CMG veterinarians can provide onsite exams and vaccines in certain cases. Contact CMG at for help with vaccinating farm dogs or cats.
4. Species Specific Requirements (all of the vaccinations must be current):
Horses |
Cats |
Dogs |
Rabies Vaccine |
Rabies Vaccine |
Rabies Vaccine |
Eastern/Western Equine Encephalitis Virus Vaccination |
Feline panleukopenia virus vaccination |
Distemper/Adenovirus/Parvovirus Vaccination |
Tetanus Vaccination |
Feline herpesvirus vaccination |
West Nile Virus Vaccination |
Feline calicivirus vaccination |
Current Negative Coggins test (EIA) |
Feline leukemia virus vaccination (noncore – optional) |