Guideline #2
Policy on Prolonged Physical Restraint
1. References:
1.2. National Research Council. 2011. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals: Eighth Edition. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
1.3. Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching, 4th Edition, 2020
2. Definitions:
2.1. Restraint devices include cellophane decapitating cones, bunny snuggles, squeeze cages, chairs, slings, weighing bags, head catch, squeeze chute and others.
a) Restraint devices cannot be considered normal methods of housing.
2.2. Immobilization is defined as any body part that is restrained in such a way that normal movement of that part is not possible (e.g., head post for head stabilization during neurological testing procedures).
2.3. Natural position is defined as one in which a healthy animal species would typically engage.
2.4. Unnatural position is defined as one which the animal species would not typically engage, assuming it is a healthy animal.
3. Purpose/Scope: The purpose of this policy is to provide information to principal investigators who require the use of physical restraint for research and teaching purposes.
3.1. In animal agriculture it is a normal husbandry practice to have animals restrained for the safety of the animal(s) and the personnel to prevent injury.
4. Physical restraint, the use of manual or mechanical means to limit some or all of an animal’s normal movement, is often necessary to meet research objectives.
4.1. Restraint may be used for the purpose of examination, collection of samples, drug administration, therapy, or experimental manipulation.
4.2. Restraint devices should not be considered normal methods of housing and must be justified in the animal use protocol.
4.3. In small laboratory species, restraint devices are those such as rodent or rabbit restrainers designed for short procedures, or manual restraint.
4.4. In agricultural species, restraint devices include stocks, head gates, stanchions, halters, squeeze chutes, or snares.
5. Prolonged physical restraint:
5.1. Natrual positions: Restraint that is typically >30 minutes. Restraint that last longer than 30 minutes needs to be specifically justified, described in detail in the IACUC form, and requires an AV consult (please reference guideline #22).
a) Animals restrained in a natural position that have been acclimated to appropriate restraint devices may be exempted from the ‘Prolonged Physical Restraint’ designation as appropriate per species following AV consult (e.g., Dairy head locks, halters, etc.)
5.2. Unnatural positions: Prolonged physical restraint that is typically >15 minutes. Restraint that lasts longer than 15 minutes needs to be scientifically justified, described in detail in the IACUC form, and requires an AV consult (please reference guideline #22).
5.3. Restraint with sedation or general anesthetic drugs as approved by the IACUC is not considered prolonged restraint.
6. When considering use of restraint methods or prolonged restraint in research animals, the following guidance (from the Guide, 8th ed. and the Guide for the care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching, 4th ed.) needs to be considered by the researcher, teaching professionals and the IACUC:
6.1. Alternatives to physical restraint should be considered
6.2. Restraint duration should be the minimum needed to accomplish research objectives.
6.3. Animals should be given positive reinforcement training to adapt to restraint devices. Animals that fail to adapt should be removed from study.
6.4. Animals should be observed at appropriate intervals, as determined by the IACUC, while in restraint devices.
6.5. The purpose of the restraint and duration should be clearly explained to research and husbandry personnel.
6.6. All restraint devices need to be suitable in size and design for the animal being held. They need to be in proper repair and operated appropriately to reduce the level of distress or discomfort.