Guideline #21

Exempt Animal Use Activities

1. Reference: Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations, Subchapter A – Animal Welfare, Parts 1-3

2. Purpose/Scope: To provide guidance to principal investigators about exempt animal use activities.

2.1. Field Studies: Research and/or teaching field studies are exempted from filing an animal care and use protocol (ACUP) and obtaining IACUC approval provided that the field studies are only observational in nature and do not involve capturing/trapping, physical/chemical restraint, materially alter behavior and/or invasive procedures.

2.2. State and County Fair Activities: State and county fair activities are exempt from having to file an ACUP and obtain IACUC approval as state and county fair activities are specifically excluded from the definition of Exhibitor in 9 CFR 1.1.

2.3. Studies That Do Not Use Live Animals: Research, teaching, or testing protocols that do not involve the care or use of live animals (i.e., only involves the use of animal cadavers, body parts, organs, tissues, blood, etc.) are categorically exempt from having to file an ACUP and obtain IACUC approval provided that the animal cadavers, body parts, organs, tissues, blood, etc. are obtained from an IACUC approved source and are disposed of in accordance with state law and K-State policy for disposal of hazardous/infectious/pathologic waste. IACUC approved sources for animal cadavers, body parts, organs, tissues, blood, etc. are listed below:

      • USDA inspected slaughterhouses (K-State AS&I Weber Hall Slaughter Facility or private commercial slaughterhouses)
      • Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (KSVDL) (e., derived from animals presented for euthanasia and/or necropsy that would otherwise be disposed of as pathological waste.)
      • Kansas State Veterinary Health Center (KSVHC) (e., derived from veterinary hospital patients that die or are euthanized that would otherwise be disposed of as pathological waste with the consent of the client/owner.)
      • A K-State IACUC approved animal use protocol (e., derived from dead animals that would otherwise be disposed of as pathological waste.) (Note: An IACUC approved ACUP is required if additional/special ante-mortem procedures are required in order to harvest/utilize the cadaver, body parts, organs, tissues, blood, etc.)
      • Commercial grocery store and/or meat market (e., fresh/frozen beef, pork, poultry, fish, etc.)

2.4. Studies That Use Intact Animal Cadavers from Extramural Sources: All research, teaching, or testing protocols that involve the use of intact animal cadavers (i.e., whole dead body of a warm-blooded animal) from an extramural source (i.e., non-K-State) must be covered by an IACUC approved ACUP. The ACUP short form template may be used en lieu of the ACUP long form template provided that the activity does not involve any live animal care and/or use (i.e., only involves the use of cadavers from warm-blooded animals). The use of cold-blooded vertebrate cadavers obtained from extramural sources is categorically exempt and does not require IACUC review or approval.

2.5. Studies That Use Fertilized Shell Eggs or Embryos: All research, teaching, or testing that uses fertilized shell eggs (e.g., chicken eggs) or embryos is categorically an “exempt activity” provided that:

      • the fertilized eggs/embryos are destroyed and not allowed to hatch and/or develop to a viable stage; and
      • the activity does not involve the care or use of the adult female which laid or was the source of the eggs/embryos.

2.6. Other Exempt Animal Use Activities: Principal investigators/instructors (PI’s) wishing to conduct research, teaching, or testing that involves the use of animal cadavers, body parts, organs, tissues, blood, etc. that may qualify as an “exempt activity” and is not otherwise addressed/covered in 2.2-2.4 above shall contact the ORICS for a determination on whether or not their proposed “animal use” is an “exempt activity” or requires IACUC approval and provide the following information:

      • The PI’s name, office address, department, phone number and email address;
      • A brief description of what the animal cadavers, body parts, organs, tissues, will be used for;
      • The source(s) of animal cadavers, body parts, organs, tissues, blood, etc.;
      • Where the animal cadavers, body parts, organs, tissues, will be stored and/or used; and
      • How the animal cadavers, body parts, tissues, blood, etc. will be disposed of.