Guideline #31

Animal Transportation

1. References:

1.1. Animal Welfare Act CFR 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A – Animal Welfare, Parts 1-4. (§3.137-3.142)

1.2. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Press (2011), Washington, DC. (p106-109)

1.3. Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching, 4th Edition, 2020

2. Purpose/Scope: The Animal Welfare Act regulations (§3.137-3.142) and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Guide) (p106-109) set the standards for transportation of animals and address the occupational safety of individuals engaged in the process. In order to meet this required oversight, Kansas State University (KSU) is implementing the following policy guideline.

3. While species specific differences are addressed in the relevant sections of the Animal Welfare Act regulations and in various areas of the Guide, the following basic tenets apply to animal transportation in general. These key elements include, and are not limited to:

3.1. Primary enclosures (compartments, cages, crates) safely and securely contain animals and protect them from injury.

3.2. Sufficient space in the primary enclosure to allow for normal postural adjustments.

3.3. Animals in the same primary enclosure must be of the same species, and in compatible groups.

3.4. Animals in transit must be fed, watered, checked, and protected from adverse environmental conditions as appropriate.

3.5. Live animals must not be transported with materials, chemicals, substances (e.g. dry ice), or devices which may be reasonably expected to be injurious to animal health and well-being.

3.6. The compartment in which the primary enclosures are kept must provide comfortable environmental temperatures with adequate ventilation for all animals and must contain the cages in a stable and safe manner to prevent tipping/overturning.

3.7. The most direct route of transport should be followed.

3.8. Transportation details are included in the KSU IACUC protocol.

3.9. Commercial carriers are to be used whenever possible for off-campus transport. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis, approved by the IACUC.

4. Transportation of KSU owned animals may only occur with IACUC approval, including a vehicle inspection where applicable (vehicle includes trailers). Vehicle inspections occur twice a year during semi-annual IACUC inspections of facilities and laboratories.

5. Options for transportation include the following:

5.1. Transportation provided by the Comparative Medicine Group (CMG) using one of the KSU -CMG approved vehicles and/or trailers.

5.2. Transportation provided by a member of the research team, using a KSU owned vehicle.

5.3. Transportation using a personal vehicle.

6. When transportation is provided by the research team, using either KSU owned vehicles or personal vehicles the following additional items should be observed:

6.1. The compartment in which the primary enclosures are kept must provide comfortable environmental temperatures with adequate ventilation for all animals and must contain the cages in a stable and safe manner to prevent tipping/overturning. A vehicle trunk is never an approved location for transportation.

6.2. Vehicle must be kept clean, and decontaminated as appropriate after the transport.

6.3. Be aware of potential zoonotic hazards, such as allergens, associated with the animals and make sure occupants are protected.

6.4. There should be no eating or drinking while transporting animals in shared spaces.

6.5. Drivers must have a valid driver’s licenses and appropriate insurance for their personal vehicle(s).

7. Transportation of animals within a building is to be in accordance with the applicable animal facility’s Standard Operating procedure (SOP).

8. When animals are transported from an animal facility to an investigator’s laboratory or to a procedure location outside the housing area, the following should be observed:

8.1. Animals should be moved in an appropriate and clean container (e.g. home cages, transport box, crates, tanks, containers, or trailer.) Cages or crates should be covered with a sheet whenever possible.

8.2. Transport should take no longer than 10 minutes outside of a temperature-controlled building.

8.3. Under no circumstances is public transportation or bicycle to be used to transport animals.

8.4. Animals must be returned to the animal facility the same day, within 12 hours, unless otherwise approved by the IACUC.

9. Livestock transportation is to be in accordance with the AG Guide by KSU personnel using IACUC approved trailers/vehicles.

10. Transportation of animals with an infectious agent is to be in accordance with an approved KSU- IBC protocol and the attending veterinarian.

11. For additional information please contact:

  • The University Research Compliance Office (URCO) – 785-532-3224
  • Comparative Medicine Group (CMG) - 785-532-5640