Guideline #9

Written Response to the IACUC Semi-Annual Animal Care and Use Facilities Inspections

1. References: Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals: Eighth Edition.

2. Purpose/Scope: The IACUC is required by law to inspect all animal care and use facilities on a semi-annual basis.

2.1. The Animal Welfare Act, the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agriculture Research and Testing are used as the basis for evaluation.

3. All deficiencies in facility operations or animal care are documented.

3.1. An inspection report is created detailing each minor or significant deficiency, their respected recommended response, and time frame for those responses to be submitted to the ORICS office.

3.1.1. Significant Deficiency: Any deviation in policy, procedure, or facility condition which is/are or may be a threat to the health and safety of the animals.

3.1.2. Minor Deficiency: Any other deviation in policy, procedure, or facility condition which are not serious breaches of policy or conditions endangering the health and safety of the animals.

3.2. The IACUC requires a written response for any significant deficiency within 7 days of the report date.

4. The IACUC semi-annual animal care and use facilities inspection reports and written responses are kept on file in the ORICS office.