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IRBManager Frequently Asked Questions
1. Has the application form been changed?
The content on the application remains the same. However, the IRBManager system allows us to utilize conditional formatting within each question, so that questions that do not pertain to a specific research protocol will not appear. This also allows us to use one application form as opposed to multiple as we have done in the past.
2. What has happened to studies that were reviewed and approved prior to IRBManager?
Active studies that were approved prior to the implementation of IRBManager were entered into the system, so they should appear on the researcher's dashboard. These studies will be handled as they always have, so modifications regarding these studies will be done via edited PDFs sent into the Comply email and approved from there. If you do not see a study on your dashboard that you feel should be there, please contact the URCO office by calling (785) 532-3224 or emailing comply@ksu.edu.
3. How do I submit a class project or oral history application form (IRB)?
Previously, these application forms existed as Word documents; now they have been implemented into the main IRB application form within IRBManager. Simply click "start IRB Application for Approval" on your dashboard and select the correct short form criteria to fill out the intended application.
4. How do I add K-State collaborators to my study if their name does not appear on the application form when I try to type it in?
If an individual is not showing up, they have not logged into IRBManager. They will need to log into IRBManager once before they will be able to be populated on the application form.
5. Do I need to retake my CITI training?
Training will be handled much the same way that it has been previously. If modules are expired, the URCO office will let you know who on your protocol needs to complete training requirements.
6. Can I give other people access to edit or submit the form?
Yes. In the system this is called Share Form Access and the link to do this can be found at the top of every application form. The link for this looks like this:
The individual you are wanting to grant access to will need to have logged into IRBManager at least once so that they exist as a contact within the system. If you are trying to enter a name and cannot find them, they will need to log in to IRBManager using their K-State eID and password.
Upon being granted access, the individual will be sent an email with a link to the form. When adding someone to the form, you are able to give them one of the following access rights:
- View Only - they will be able to see the form, but not make changes.
- Edit - they will be able to edit the form.
- Edit and Manage - they will be able to edit the form, and also share form access to other individuals.
- Edit, Manage, and Submit - they will be able to edit the form, share form access with other individuals, and submit the form either for PI signature or IRB office review.
Note: The principal investigator is not automatically granted access to the form, and will not be able to see the form until the form creator submits for their signature. If you would like your principal investigator to see the form and make changes, you will need to grant them form access via the process detailed above.