Copyright Permissions

If you feel you cannot rely on fair use, you may need to either request permission or seek an alternative resource.

Requesting Permission

As you prepare your permission request letter, be sure to include these elements:

  • How you plan to use the work;
  • The amount or portion of the work you want to use;
  • Give page numbers or time references for audio or video works;
  • Specify how the work will be distributed ( such as on a password-protected website, in your ETDR, if it will be publicly online, etc.);
  • Specify how long the work will be available and accessible;
  • Why this particular work is essential to your work;

You will also want to be contacted back, so make sure you include:

  • Your name and contact information;
  • Include a section the copyright holder can sign and return to you documenting that permission was granted:
    • If you are granted permission via email, this counts as legal permission;
    • Remember! Verbal permission is not legally sound; only written permission;