Slate Implementation

Kansas State University is implementing an enterprise-wide CRM, Slate, to support the business functions of all colleges, departments, and campuses to foster a long-term relationship with students by tracking touchpoints and through improved communication. The CRM will manage domestic and international, undergraduate and graduate, and online students.

Slate follows a "train-the-trainer" implementation model. A core team from each institution—the Slate Captains—will attend Fundamentals of Slate online training and ultimately oversee the project for K-State. The Slate Captains will actively take responsibility for creating sustainable business processes within Slate and provide training to other users within the office.

These captains oversee recruitment, application processing, marketing and communications in Enrollment Management, Office of Admissions, Graduate School, Salina and Olathe campuses.

Slate Captains:

Sara Blankley

Undergraduate Application

Holly Gerke


Courtney Hallenback


Joe Horan

Graduate Admissions

Scott Schlender

Graduate Admissions

Alexis Bestwick

Marketing and Communications

Slate Implementation Timeline:


  • January 2022: Slate Captain Training
  • February- August 1, 2022: Begin implementation for undergraduate application for admission.
  • September 2022: Begin implementation for undergraduate recruitment and communications university wide.


  • Phase 1- Complete
    • Person scoped information
  • Phase 2- Complete
    • The Application
  • Phase 3- Complete
    • Workflows
  • Final Implementation Call- Complete, April 29th
  • Graduate Recruitment Launch- Complete, May 30th
  • Historical Data Migration- Complete, May 31st
  • Graduate Application Launch- Complete, June 25th
    • Starting with Summer 2025