First Town Hall was a success!
Thank you to everyone who attended the first Town Hall on June 26. The first part of the meeting was a 30-minute project update. We had a good turnout, 36 people participating in person and 12 via Zoom. If you missed the update, view the recording at You will need to use your eID and password to view this page.
The next part of the meeting focused on business processes and required registration. Participants discussed their use of a CRM system for undergraduate recruitment. Four breakout sessions discussed: Forms, Events, Event Communication, and Overall Communication.
The Town Hall had good representation from colleges and units, which provided valuable insight on CRM usage and needs at K-State. Thank you to the following for participating: Office of Undergraduate Admissions, International Admissions & Recruiting, College of Education, College of Engineering, College of Architecture, Planning & Design, College of Agriculture (Ag Academic Programs), College of Business Administration, College of Arts & Sciences (Mathematics), College of Health and Human Sciences (Dean's Office), K-State Olathe, Global Campus, Housing and Dining Services, Office of Student Financial Assistance, Center for Student Success & Professional Services , and New Student Services.
Participants provided valuable feedback about what they liked and didn't like about the Town Hall event. Organizers will consider this feedback while planning future Town Halls.
The next Town Hall is Thursday, July 18. Registration will open on July 8. View the webpage to register and view the Town Hall agenda.