About the Associate Provost and CDO

Dr. Bin Ning

As Associate Provost and Chief Data Officer (CDO), Bin Ning leads multiple functional teams in the office of Data, Assessment, and Institutional Research (DAIR). He provides stewardship and management of the university's enterprise data warehouse, data governance process, and data policy. He oversees the creation of data analysis, analytical studies and institutional reports in response to federal, state and local entities, accreditation purposes and internal report needs. He is in charge of communication, education and training to enhance data-informed decision-making throughout the university. Ning also provides supervision to an internationally renowned Assessment of Student Learning unit and promotes assessment collaborations across the University.

Ning served as assistant vice president and executive director of institutional research and information management at Eastern Michigan University from July 2010 until starting his post at K-State in October 2019. He led the office of Institutional Research and Information Management, provided leadership to the overall institutional accreditation process, led the university's enrollment forecasting and worked closely with university leadership on enrollment and budget modeling. In other previous positions, Ning served leadership roles in IR at several universities and colleges in Ohio and Michigan.

Ning has been a peer reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) since 2005 and is the Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) for K-State with HLC. Ning earned a B.E. degree in engineering mechanics from the Beijing Institute of Technology and M.Ed. and Ph.D. degrees in higher education, both from the University of Toledo.