Where to park
Admissions campus visitors
If you've scheduled a campus visit with the Office of Recruitment and Admissions, follow the instructions on your visit confirmation, which was sent to you via email.
Other visitors
View Parking Services' visitor parking web page for all the details you need to plan parking during your visit to campus.
Evening and weekend parking
If you're on campus for a weekend event, parking is available in the lots designated for students and faculty. These lots are next to campus education and administrative buildings and are marked with the following signs: a red "W", a blue "T" or a green "O." Visitors are asked to obey standard parking rules and not park in the reserved, no-parking, or handicapped-accessible stalls (unless you have a valid disability placard or license plate) within these lots. Visitors are NOT allowed to use the residence hall parking lots, marked with orange signs, or the Jardine Apartments parking lots.
The parking garage south of the K-State Student Union is also available for parking at the standard rate.
McCain Auditorium events
If you are attending an event or performance at McCain Auditorium, the nearest lot is located just west of the auditorium. Parking in this lot is free in the evening and on weekends.
The parking garage south of the K-State Student Union is also available for parking at the standard rate.