The Diversity Bonus

The Diversity Bonus - Differences Make Teams Stronger
Engagement: Intermediate

Scott E. Page is the author of the book "The Diversity Bonus" which outlines how differences make teams stronger. Dr. Zelia Wiley and Dr. Callie Rost will review the book and point out ways this book can be used to catapult KSU into the using the differences of individuals to strengthen our community. "The Diversity Bonus" review will also point out the importance diversity plays within business.

The bonuses include improved problem solving, increased innovation and more accurate predictions to improve performance and results.


Dr. Callie Rost Dr. Callie Rost, DVM
Assistant Dean for Admissions, College of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Callie Rost completed her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree KSU College of Veterinary Medicine in 1995, completed an internship in small animal medicine and surgery at KSU CVM and practiced small animal medicine and surgery for 23 years before becoming the Assistant Dean for Admissions at KSU CVM. Dr. Rost also taught at a veterinary nursing program during her last several years of practice. Her position as the Diversity Point Person for the College of Veterinary Medicine and her efforts in this area focus on creating an inclusive environment for the students, faculty and staff. As the Advisor to Vet Med ROCKS (Recruitment and Outreach Club of Kansas State), she oversees the club activities including the summer camp. This summer, Vet Med ROCKS held a virtual camp and had over 500 participants. Dr. Rost is also involved in This is How We “ROLE” with the Manhattan Boys and Girls Club introducing veterinary medicine to grade school and middle school

Dr. Rost serves on the AAVMC Admissions and Recruitment Committee, The AAVMC Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Committee, the AAVMC Advocacy Committee, the KSU President’s Commission on Multicultural Affairs, the KSU CVM Multicultural Perspectives and Initiatives Committee as well as the KSU CVM Admissions Committee. Through this service, Dr. Rost pursues opportunities to improve the diversity in veterinary medicine, seeks to continue to build an inclusive environment at KSU CVM and explores ideas to recruit a diverse population of future students to the program at KSU College of Veterinary Medicine.

Dr. Zelia Wiley Dr. Zelia Wiley
Assistant Dean for Diversity, College of Agriculture

Dr. Wiley is the Assistant Dean for Diversity in the College of Agriculture and KSRE (K-State Research and Extension) and the distinguished as the first Assistant Dean for Diversity at the university. In her current role, she provides leadership in the area of inclusion and diversity for faculty, staff and students. She is the chief diversity officer for KSRE and the College with 26+ years’ experience in the work of inclusion, equity and diversity. She is a certified IDI Administrator, coordinator of the KSRE Summer Research Fellow program, as well as the KSRE Diversity Coach. Her presentation topics include Diversity in Agriculture, Food and Natural Sciences, Micro aggressions and implicit biases, and Exploring Multicultural Views, Cultural Competency, as well as, Diversity in
the Workplace. Dr. Wiley holds a Bachelors and Masters of Science in Agricultural Education, Economics and Human Resources from Prairie View A&M University (TX) and completed her Ph.D. at the Pennsylvania State University in Agriculture and Extension Education. She is a 30+ member of the National Society of MANRRS, advisor to the K-State MANRRS chapter and has charted two MANRRS chapters; (1) University of Kentucky (1996) and Kansas State University (2003). She is currently the College of AG Diversity Committee Chair, Graduate Chapter President for Alpha kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Graduate Advisor to Kappa Pi Chapter, 2019 National Role Model Recipient and 2020-22 Black Faculty Staff Alliance (BFSA) Treasurer.