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Diversity and Inclusion


Whether you're unsure how to get involved or searching for ways to better your community, we can point you in the right direction. Take a moment and explore campuswide opportunities specifically crafted with diversity in mind.

Academic success programs

Discover organizations and resources for academic progress, research opportunities, major-specific programs and more. 

Affinity groups

Find a community of people who understand and share your unique experiences and are there to help you succeed. 

Campus-wide diversity programs

Explore how K-State celebrates national diversity programs and brings large societal issues back to campus for inspiration and action.

Careers at K-State

K-State is a welcoming, comfortable atmosphere for faculty, staff and students. Explore job opportunities and make K-State your new home. 

Diversity and Multicultural Student Affairs

Enhancing students' academic, social and emotional success through student programs, intercultural learning and student life opportunities.

Faculty/staff ombudspersons

Find the assistance of an impartial faculty member or unclassified professional who serves as a resource to facilitate communication regarding concerns related to employment.

Service units

No problem is too small and no challenge is too great to seek support from organizations with expertise, compassion and dedication. 

Student ombudsperson

Struggling to get something resolved? In a conflict with a fellow student? Can't get on the same page with your professor or advisor? Need clarification on a university policy? Your student ombudsperson has you covered.

Student organizations

Our multicultural student organizations support historically underrepresented domestic students and offer leadership skills, academic resources and cultural awareness. 

Trainings, Policies and Guidelines

Learn about trainings, policies and guidelines related to nondiscrimination, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging and bias at K-State.