Frequently Asked Questions

There has been much discussion in higher education circles about the eligibility of resources for undocumented students, with or without DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) status. DACA is an immigration policy initiated by the Obama Administration in 2012. Under the policy, certain undocumented immigrants to the United States who entered the country as minors can receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and eligibility for employment.

Additionally, U.S. lawful permanent resident and U.S. citizen students with undocumented or foreign parents/guardians may have questions about their eligibility. Please review the information provided below, remember to click on the hyperlinks for additional information.

Will K-State share my immigration status with the federal government?

University policies regarding disclosure of student records remain the same under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, known as FERPA. We do not release student records without written consent from the student or a lawfully issued subpoena, warrant or judicial order. It remains our policy to require the necessary legal documents before disclosing student records or information derived from student records.

Am I eligible for in-state tuition?

In 2004, Kansas State Legislature voted to institute House Bill 2145 also known as K.S.A. 76-731a into law. Through this statue, undocumented students are eligible to pay in-state tuition at a Kansas college or university. Students must meet the following Kansas residency statute and regulations or special circumstances to be considered a Kansas resident for tuition purposes. Click here to be directed to the K-State residency information page.

Eligible student:
1. has attended an accredited Kansas high school for three or more years and
2. has either graduated from an accredited Kansas high school or has earned a GED issued in Kansas and
3. a.) in the case of a person without lawful immigration status; has signed and filed an affidavit with the institution stating that the person or the person’s parents have filed an application to legalize such person’s immigration status, or will file such an application as soon as such person is eligible to do so or
b.) in the case of a person with a legal, nonpermanent immigration status, has filed with the postsecondary educational institution an affidavit stating that such person has filed an application to begin the process for U.S. citizenship or will file such application as soon as such person is eligible to do so.

Ineligible student:
1. has a valid student visa; or
2. at the time of enrollment, is eligible to enroll in a public postsecondary educational institution located in another state upon payment of fees and tuition required of residents of such state.

Please review the complete Kansas Board of Regents FAQ on Kansas 2004 House Bill 2145, Eligibility for Resident Tuition for Certain Undocumented Immigrants and Others document here.

Do I need a social security number to apply for admission and scholarships?

A Social Security Number (SSN) is not required for K-State admission and scholarships eligibility. The question on both applications is optional. If you do not have a SSN you may enter zeros (000-00-0000) to continue. However a SSN, U.S. permanent residency or citizenship may be required to apply for federal financial aid/or to take advantage of federal education tax credit/incentives.

I am a current K-State student and have received a letter 'Request for Student's Social Security Number' from K-State's Division of Financial Services but I do not have one. Who do I contact for assistance?

Please contact Division of Financial Services- Cashiers & Student Accounts Office,, 785.532-3350, 211 Anderson Hall or Kevin Santos Flores, K-State DMSA. Do not mail the form to the IRS.

I have a DACA temporary social security number; can I use it to complete the FAFSA?

According to Federal Student Aid, if you are neither a U.S. citizen nor an eligible noncitizen, you are not eligible for federal student aid student aid via the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). Click here to review the eligible non-U.S. citizen criteria. Kansas State University does not require any undocumented or DACA-mented student to complete the FAFSA.

I am a US Citizen but my parents are undocumented, am I eligible to apply for federal financial aid?

Yes. The student must be a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident, or eligible non-U.S. citizen to be eligible federal financial aid. It does not matter if the student’s parents are undocumented, under-documented, or foreign citizens. FAFSA form does not ask about parents’ immigration status. Student loans, Pell grants and work-study program funds are awarded to the student, not the parent(s).
Undocumented parents will not be eligible to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IRS DRT) as they do not have a valid social security number. Link to learn more about the Data Retrieval Tool eligibility and how to use it.

As a DACA student, am I eligible for on-campus jobs and internships?

Yes, if your temporary work permit and social security card are current, they can be used to apply for internships, on-campus and off-campus employment. Link to K-State’s Career Center for employment for job search training, career advising, employer connections and other resources available. Keep in mind that as a DACA-mented student you are not eligible for the Federal Work-Study Program because it is awarded through FAFSA.

Can undocumented and DACA-mented students travel abroad through K-State?

Visit the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Boarder website to learn more about the Protection Advance Parole Program here.
Link to K-State’s Education Abroad office.

Additional information from Federal Student Aid
Information about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Financial aid and undocumented students questions and answers

Are you a U.S. Citizen?
Link to information regarding question 14 on the paper Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form.