Jeannine Bell
Associate Professor of Law, "On the Frontlines of the Battle Against Hate Crimes"
Jeannine Bell, Associate Professor of Law at Indiana University, Bloomington and Adjunct Professor in the Department of political science teaches Criminal Process and Seminars on the First Amendment, Law and Society, and Constitutional Law. She has a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and M.A., J.D. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan. Most recently, she published Policing Hatred: Law Enforcement, Civil Rights, and Hate Crime.
Professor Bell’s book, Policing Hatred, analyzes the process of enforcing the laws against hate crimes from the perspective of police charged with investigating bias crimes, as well as from the perspectives of suspects and victims. Her study challenges many common assumptions regarding the perpetrators and the victims of hate crimes. Her field study is drawn from the experience of a police hate crime unit that includes female, Black, Latino, and Asian American detectives as well as White male detectives.