Dr. Amanda Gaulke

Amanda GaulkePh.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison

Public Economics, Labor Economics, Health Economics, Economics of Education

317 Waters Hall

Amanda (Mandy) Gaulke is currently an Associate Professor of Economics. She received her bachelor’s degree from Lake Forest College, and her master’s degree and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin - Madison.


Amanda's research interests are Public Economics, Labor Economics, Health Economics, and the Economics of Education. One strand of her health research examines how a childhood health shock impacts both the child diagnosed and other family members. A new strand of research examines the role of administrative burdens and physician specialty in creating barriers to patients receiving treatment consistent with the standards of care. Her research related to education focuses on certificate programs, students who have interrupted college enrollments, and student loan repayment behavior.


Amanda has published in Journal of Health Economics, Labour Economics, Economics of Education Review, IZA World of Labor, and numerous medical journals including the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).