Kady Figge

My earliest K-State memory is walking on campus for the Kansas FFA State Convention when I was in fourth grade. My dad happens to be the FFA advisor at Onaga and I used to follow the Onaga FFA members around because I looked up to them. Therefore, FFA and K-State were a huge part of my life since the beginning. Additionally, because each of my family members graduated from K-State, I remember wearing K-State merchandise and attending games as a kid. Needless to say, we were a K-State home and greatly valued the color purple.
Why did you choose K-State?
I chose Kansas State University because each of my family members graduated from K-State. I was always on campus because I grew up nearby and I attended several FFA events that were on campus. Additionally, when I stepped on campus for the first time as a prospective student, it just felt like home. I had so many friends and mentors on campus and everyone that I met was incredibly welcoming.
How are you involved at K-State?
I grew up in a small rural community and because of that I was actively involved in everything. Well, that characteristic followed me to college. I am a member of Block & Bridle, Collegiate Cattlewomen, Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow and Sigma Alpha professional agricultural sorority. Currently, I serve as the vice president of development for Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow and as the leadership committee chairperson for Sigma Alpha. I also serve as an ambassador for the College of Agriculture.
What has been your favorite K-State experience?
My favorite K-State experience has been connecting with someone that lives in another part of the world. Early in my college career, I was taking a global food systems leadership class that really changed my life. One day for class, my professor had a speaker on Zoom for us all to hear. By this time, Zoom meetings and virtual speakers were pretty normal and not all that exciting. However, this call was different. The lady on the other end of the call was walking to the top of a tall hill in Africa to be able to get enough service. She was talking to us from a completely different country. I was shocked. It was such an amazing, humbling, and eye opening experience that I will never forget. I am thankful everyday that Kansas Sate University has brought me incredible experiences and opportunities just like this one.
How does K-State care for Kansans in your hometown community?
My hometown is a very rural community and because of that 4-H and FFA are a staple for most community members. Maybe because so many community members participated in both organizations as they were growing up, they order from the annual FFA fruit sales, they attend local 4-H and FFA events, they care about the future of agriculture, and most are pretty invested in 4-H and FFA. For as long as I can remember, K-State has been a huge factor when talking about anything 4-H and FFA. They support our hometown community by supporting the 4-H and FFA organizations by hosting several state events and contests. K-State also sends representatives to our hometown high school to encourage kids of all ages to explore all of the amazing opportunities that K-State has to offer.
Why do you want to bring K-State to your community?
Deciding to attend Kansas State University was the best thing that ever happened to me. I have been blessed to be a part of amazing opportunities, connect with many mentors and professionals, and create a variety of friendships that will last a lifetime. I want others in my community to get to experience the same. K-State is a wonderful place that has the ability to connect people and provide anyone with a sense of family.