English Department courses require that students read, write, and think analytically, thus strengthening the foundations of the educational experience for every college student. Department faculty teach students how to read a variety of texts literally, aesthetically, critically, and historically. They also teach students to write effectively and persuasively, with an awareness of audience and purpose. The English Department works to achieve its goals by fostering substantial understanding of literature and cultural texts in English from various genres and time periods and by teaching students to comprehend the relation between literature and culture as well as the structure and history of the English language itself.
The K-State English department offers an undergraduate degree in English with an emphasis in one of three areas:
- British and American literature
- Creative writing and literature
- English with a teaching concentration
It also offers a master's degree with five tracks:
- Literature, which allows students to emphasize any time period in either national literature
- Children's literature, which lets students concentrate on works for young audiences
- Creative writing and literature, which lets students concentrate on creative work in drama, fiction, nonfiction, and/or poetry
- Cultural studies and literature, which concentrates on the theoretical bases for examining cultural texts and contexts
- Composition, rhetoric, and literature, which emphasizes coursework on language, composition, and rhetorical theory
Masters students typically serve as Graduate Teaching Assistants for expository writing courses.
The English department teaches approximately five hundred classes per year, the largest number in the university. The majority of classes address three primary student constituencies: English undergraduate majors, students in the M.A. program, and expository writing students. The department also teaches a wide array of service courses for introductory literature students, technical writing courses for engineers, humanities and children's literature courses for future teachers, and upper-level writing courses for selected majors across campus. The department is committed to high quality instruction through active learning. It values diversity in its faculty, student body, and the content of its classes.