English 233: Introduction to Western Humanities --
Reformation to Enlightenment
Using the Course
Here are some important things to keep in mind in using the
course schedule.
- Reading assignments
should be completed before you come to class on the day the
assignment is listed.
It will be impossible to understand what goes on in class
if you haven't already read the assignment before you come to the
- What's required, and
what's only recommended.
In the course schedule, you will find two kinds of
assignments -- required and recommended.
Assignments that are recommended only show up only from
time to time, and are clearly indicated as such.
Unless an assignment is specifically indicated as
recommended, it is required. Almost all the
assignments you will encounter in the schedule are
- An important caution:
you'll find it useful to print out a copy
of this Course Schedule. But when you look over
your copy, keep in mind that anything that appears as
underlined is a web link that you can only follow up by
getting on-line and clicking on the word or phrase that's underlined!
I never use underlining on a web page
for emphasis. (Instead I use bold, italics, colored
font, or large font, or some combination of these.
If you don't keep this in mind, you'll be hopelessly
confused in trying to make use of pages you have printed out!)
- This schedule is
tentative. I may make
adjustments in reading or writing assignments if I think
doing so best serves the interests of the course as it
develops. I will notify you of these through our e-mail
listserv or through the Message of the Day.
The examination dates, however, you may
take as firmly set. About a week before the date cited,
you will receive special information (a "prep
sheet") designed to help you to review in a focused
way for each exam.
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(English 233: Introduction to Western Humanities -- Reformation to
Suggestions are welcome.
Please send your comments to lyman@ksu.edu
Contents copyright © 2002 by Lyman A.
- Permission is granted for non-commercial educational use;
all other rights reserved.
This page last updated 24 January 2002.