English 233: Introduction to Western
Humanities -- "Baroque & Enlightenment"
Extra-credit Option:
on the film The Mission
Get hold of a video copy of the film The Mission. It
is available at both Dillon's East and Dillon's West in Manhattan
for $.39 a day [!]. Blockbuster in Manhattan also
rents it for $3.00 for 3 days. And there is one copy
at the Manhattan Public Library that rents for $1.00 for 3
days. (With the commercial places, it's a good idea to
call in advance to make sure the video is on hand before you
spend the time to make a special trip. The library,
however, doesn't do searches for patrons over the phone.) If you
run into a logjam and have no luck at any of these places, see me
to arrange to borrow my own copy from me.)
Some context. The film is set in towards the middle of the 18th Century in a region of South America that used to be administered by the Jesuit Order as a remarkable network of missions that functioned as a virtual state within a state. This enterprise became embroiled in a complex tangle of diplomatic negotiation between the crowns of Portugal and Spain, the Vatican, and the Jesuit Order (each member of which, as you know from your readings about the Counter-Reformation, was personally sworn to absolute obedience to the Pope). The film focuses upon the conflicts (internal and mutual) of allegiance experienced by three Jesuits. The first is a Cardinal (and former Jesuit) delegated by the Pope to carry out an inspection of the missions with a view to deciding whether those now falling within Portuguese jurisdiction (by arbitration of the Vatican) should be disbanded, in accordance with the wishes of the Portuguese Crown (prompted by Portuguese colonists who want to enslave the Indians). The second is Father Gabriel, who is responsible for having built the missions. The third is Father Rodrigo, a former slave trader who has joined the mission and, eventually, become a priest. In the course of the action, each of these individuals confronts a crisis of moral authority.
To appreciate what is at stake in these, you will need to begin by reviewing what you know of the Jesuit Order. What were the circumstances in which it came into being? What was its original mission? Did its mission change in the course of time? What is special about the oath of a member of the order takes? What were the conflicts into which it came with secular rulers (including Catholic monarchs)? What happened as a result of these conflicts? What has been/is the role of Jesuits in such contemporary conflicts as those in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Chiapas (in Mexico)? Our text The Western Humanities has offers a starting point (p. 336, and pp. 365-6). But it would make sense to check out as well at least what you can find in a good encyclopedia. You may also want to explore some of the Web links connected with the Jesuits.
The choice of topics. You may write on any one of the following topics. Try to be as specific as possible.
Topic A. How does the film make us aware that the Cardinal is a complex individual, not just an unthinking tool of his superiors? What are the signs that he himself is undergoing a difficult moral conflict (invisible to the other characters in the story)? How does he resolve his conflict? Does the film invite us to incline us to any particular picture of why he resolves it the way he does?
Topic B. Summarize the conflict that develops between Fathers Gabriel and Rodrigo. Using your understanding of what is entailed in a providentialist picture of history, explain how the men's positions on the question of how to respond to the Cardinal's decision can be seen as an expression of different pictures of Divine Providence - i.e., different theories as to how God expects the true Church (those who do God's will) to behave in history, and how, specifically, God will act in history to accomplish His plan.
Topic C. [This topic is one you will be able to address only later in the course, when you have read Candide.] Contrast in detail the portrait of the Jesuit missions in Paraguay that we get in the film with the one Candide and Cacambo encounter between their flight from Buenos Aires and their stumbling into El Dorado. Why do you think Voltaire is so hostile to the Jesuits? What did they represent, for him? How does his portrait of them connect with other commitments we see him making, in the course of the novella?
For starters (and later, deliberating review): here are some passages from the film that vividly raise some of the issues the film puts into play.
The film opens with the Cardinal dictating to his secretary a
report he is composing to be sent to the Pope, back in
Rome. We can imagine this letter as being under
composition all through the course of the events of the film,
beginning with the arrival of the Cardinal in the Province of
Argentina (which contained what is now Argentina, Uruguay, and
Paraguay). Or we can imagine it as being completely
retrospective, composed after the Cardinal's own mission has been
seeking to create a paradise upon earth - how easily it
offends. Your Holiness is offended because it may
distract from the Paradise which is to come
hereafter. The majesties of Spain and Portugal are
offended because the paradise of the poor is seldom pleasing to
those who rule over them. And the settlers here are
offended for the same reason."
So it was this burden I carried to South America to satisfy
the Portuguese wish to enlarge their empire, to satisfy the
Spanish desire that this would do them no harm, to satisfy Your
Holiness that these monarchs of Spain and Portugal would threaten
no more the power of the Church, and to ensure for you all that
the Jesuits could no longer deny you these satisfactions.
FATHER GABRIEL, praying in the course of ordaining Rodrigo into the Jesuit Order: [Help him] to renounce the snares of this world, and to put on the livery of labor and humiliation. Teach him to be generous, to labor and not to count the cost, to serve with no reward, save the doing of Your will.
DON CABEZA, referring to the Indian child, who has just sung for the cardinal: A parrot can be taught to sing, your Excellency. Your Excellency, this is a child of the jungle, an animal with the human voice. If it were human, it would cringe at its vices. These creatures are lethal, and lecherous. They will have to be subdued by the sword and brought to profitable labor by the whip. What they [the priests] say is sheer nonsense."
Don Cabeza having vehemently insisted that the Spanish
plantation owners obey Spanish law (which by then outlawed
slavery), Father Rodrigo (who in his earlier career as a slaver
had personally sold slaves to Don Cabeza himself) declares
"He lies!" The cardinal demands an apology for this
insult to Don Cabeza's honor as a member of the gentleman class,
by calling into question his word. Rodrigo on this
occasion refuses, on the grounds that he cannot be asked to deny
what he in conscience knows to be the truth.
Eminence, I think we've just seen a good example of Jesuit
contempt for the authority of the State.
DON CABEZA, looking down on a
scene of Indians at work in the fields of the mission: I
don't see any difference between this plantation and mine.
plantation is theirs.
FATHER RODRIGO, raising the
shirt of a Guaraní in their party, revealing scars from a
flogging: This is another difference.
[The cardinal then asks Don Cabeza whether slavery, and
commerce in it, is or is not against the law in Spanish
territories, where his own plantation is located. {The
practice previously alleged is that the Spanish, forbidden to
traffic in slaves, buy slaves from their Portuguese neighbors,
since the slave trade is still legal in Brazil.} The Portuguese
official intervenes.]
and demand is the law of trade.
the law of evil?
DON CABEZA: What's a
few cuts across the back with what you offer this population of
theirs - the torments of Hell, and imprisoned
wills. Think of that.
THE CARDINAL, continuing the
dictation of his letter to the Pope: Though I knew
that everywhere in Europe the States were tearing at the
authority of the Church, and though I knew well that to preserve
itself there, the Church must show its authority over the Jesuits
here, yet I still couldn't help wondering whether these Indians
would not have preferred that the sea and wind had not brought
any of us to them.
At the end of the film, the Cardinal, Don Cabeza, and the
Portuguese Official are discussing the news that the mission has
been dispersed by force.
have no alternative, Your Eminence. We must work in
the World. The World is thus.
THE CARDINAL: No, thus have we made the World. Thus have we made it.
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copyright © 2001 by Lyman
A. Baker.
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This page
last updated 09 December 2001