English 233:Introduction to Western
Humanities--Baroque & Enlightenment
- Study Guide to selections from
- Francis Bacon's Novum Organon
Note: We will
not be reading the article by Laurence Stone or the passage by
John Locke mentioned below. The same goes for the passages
you are referred to from Thomas Aquinas' two Summae. You
may ignore these references. Nor will we be reading
excerpts from Book II of the Novum Organum.
You may wish to use this sheet for
taking notes (in your own words) on your reading of the assigned
excerpts. If you want it
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of the KSU public labs, you'll need to go into the File menu,
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Before undertaking the selections
from the Bacon's Novum Organum (our main business), be
sure you have read
Bacon's critique of the
philosophical tradition
In Bacon's picture, the method of generating knowledge still
in force in educated circles is unfit to meet the demands that we
are entitled to put upon it.
- What are those demands? (Cf. Aphorisms #3 and 11.)
- What is the general name of "the logic [i.e.,
method] now in use" among formally educated people?
(What term did we use in class for this approach? Note
the terminology Bacon employs for its practitioners in
#45 of Book 1 and #15 of Book 2.)
- What are the properties of this method that make it unfit
to meet the demands we should be placing on it? Hints:
- What is the role of the syllogism in this method?
- What are the properties of the syllogism that
guarantee that if the premises are true the
conclusion must be true? I.e., what is it about
the form of valid syllogism that makes them
valid? (Consult your class notes on this point:
recall the point of the diagram test of
- What does a syllogism need besides validity if it
is to be a sound argument? (Cf. class
- What does the currently prevailing method rely on
for selecting its premises? (Here it is a good
idea to examine the practice of Aquinas in the
passages you have available from the Summa
contra Gentiles and the Summa Theologiae.)
What is the problem Bacon sees in adopting this
practice? (Cf. #12.)
- What does Bacon refer to under the term
"axiom"? (#19, 25.)
- What does Bacon refer to under the term
"notion"? (#12, 14, 36.)
- What does he say is often wrong with the
axioms and notions we tend to take over
uncritically from the past? (#25, 36-44,
- What procedure in general gives rise to
false axioms in the first place? (Cf.
#19, 25, 26.)
- What are the 4 types of defective notions
he discusses? (Cf. #37-44.)
- In addition to the names, you
should be able to describe the
defining qualities of each. Be
prepared to cite examples of each
and to explain how they qualify as
examples of the category in
- What is the remedy or antidote to
them (in general)? (Cf. #36.)
What parallel develops between Bacon's
critique of traditional knowledge and the critique brought
forward a hundred years earlier by the Protestant Reformers?
(Cf. #31 and 38.)
A useful exercise: Show how this common
tendency operates when brought to bear on the notions of
"substance" and "accident" as they appear
in the Catholic doctrine of the sacrament of communion.
(Consult the class handout sketching a chain of syllogism
employing these notions.)
Be able to relate this to the trends discussed in the
article by Lawrence Stone on "The Disenchantment of
the World."
Bacon's critique of the
artisanal tradition
In Bacon's picture, too, there is something deficient for the
generation of the sort of science we need in the way in which
practical artisans approach their task craftsmen who have been
educated as apprentices, within the guild system.
- What is Bacon's term for this category of "handlers
of sciences" (i.e., persons who deal in knowledge of
one sort or another)? (Cf. #95, 99.)
- What virtue do they--or do their procedures
have that the formally educated people of Bacon's
era lacked, in his opinion? (Cf. #95.)
- What, however, do their methods nevertheless lack
for their own part? (Cf. #95, 99.)
- Can you see how
#101 can be regarded as a rewriting in
new terms of the point that was made in
#95 by an elaborate analogy?
Bacon's proposal for a new way
What is Bacon's proposal for correcting the complementary
defects of these two inherited traditions for dealing in
knowledge? Here we should note how certain sections provide
us with convenient "nodes," each presenting us with a
different level of elaboration of his project for an effective
scientific method:
- Book 1: 31 ---> 95
---> 105 --->
Book 2
- Can you outline the method set forth in Book 2 in a way
that displays how it would result in the bee (of Book1,
#95), and avoid the defects both of the spider and
of the ant?
- What is the equivalent of the ants' gathering of
their material?
- What are the phases of inquiry that make possible
the "digesting" and
Connections urther afield
What is "empiricism"?
- What is the derivation of the term (from ancient Greek)?
- What about Bacon qualifies him as an
- In how many ways does the empiricist element of
scientific method get stressed in Newton's "Rules
for Reasoning" in his Principia mathematica
naturalis philosophiae?
How does the Baconian stress on the goal of obtaining power
over the natural world (for what end, by the way?) importantly
compare (or contrast)
- with Locke's assumptions about the human urge to acquire
property, and the basic factor that distinguishes unowned
from owned portions of nature? (Cf. chapter V of The
Second Treatise of Civil Government.)
- with what Aquinas settles on as the end of existence for
any intelligent being?
- with Locke's idea of the role of man within nature?
Go to
the Introduction to Bacon.
Go to
from Bacon's Novum Organum.
Go to
a discussion of Bacon's and Descartes' complementary departures
from scholasticism in philosophy.
Return to Reading List #3.
Return to the Home Page for English 233 (Introduction to Western
Humanities: Baroque & Enlightenment).
Suggestions are welcome. Please send
your comments to lyman@ksu.edu
copyright © 199 by Lyman A. Baker.
- Permission is granted for
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rights reserved.
This page last updated 11 October 2000.