English 233: Introduction to Western Humanities -- Baroque & Enlightenment
Intitial Study Guide to the Biblical Creation Narrative
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(1) What did the ancient Jews consider to be the origin of this story of the origin of the universe? That is, what was their picture of the history of the story of history?
From what you have read, what can you infer is the significance of the fact that the Book of Genesis is known as "The First Book of Moses"?
Don't be upset if you haven't a clue at this moment. We'll be taking this idea up eventually. Meanwhile, if you have some notions on this, it's useful to recall them at the outset.
(2) The narrative presents a series of acts of God. When we witness acts of an agent, the following two questions are automatically on the table:
- What motives can we infer lie behind these acts?
- What character to we attribute to an actors that acts from suchmotives?
(2A) So: reviewing Genesis 1.1-2.3, what specific traits do YOU think the text authorizes us to attribute to God -- i.e., how would you describe his character on the basis of the actions described?
(2B) What specific traits do YOU think the text of the rest Genesis 2:4-3 authorizes us to attribute to God? That is, how would you describe his character on the basis of the actions described?
(3) What exactly are the punishments that God imposes on Adam and Eve, and how could they be understood as exactly fitting the First Parents offense. (After all: if the punishment doesnt fit the crime, then the judge is unjust.)
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Contents copyright © 1999 by Lyman A.
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This page last updated 11 October 2000.