English 287: Great Books
Using the Course Schedule
Here are some important things to keep in mind in using the course schedule.
It will be impossible to understand what goes on in class if you haven't already read the assignment before you come to the discussion.
Even more importantly, you must come prepared to class in order to hold up your end of the discussion that will take place in pairs and small groups during almost every class session.
I never use underlining on a web page for emphasis. (Instead I use bold, italics, colored font, or large font, or some combination of these. If you don't keep this in mind, you'll be hopelessly confused in trying to make use of pages you have printed out!)
Please note that "quizzes" are distinct from "exams." There will be no prep sheets issued for quizzes, which have the simple (but important) purpose of giving students substantial credit for keeping up with the reading assignments.
Suggestions are welcome.
Please send your comments to lyman@ksu.edu
Contents copyright © 2001 by Lyman A.
This page last updated 19 August 2003 .