English 287:  Great Books

Texts for the Course 


Here are the works we will be focusing on for our course this semester.  I have listed here the editions I have ordered at Claflin Books and Copies.  

This bookstore is located  in the little shopping mall at the southwest corner of the intersection of Denison Avenue and Claflin Road -- right across from the Marlatt Dormitory Complex (and catty-cornered from Ackert Hall, where the Biology Division is centered. 

Please note that I have not filed a textbook order with either Varney's bookstore in Aggieville or the bookstore in the KSU Student Union.  So if you go looking for them there, you will be disappointed.

These are the editions I will make page and/or line references to in the assignments you will find in the Course Schedule.  

But it is also possible, within certain limits, to use other editions.  I have compiled a separate page with comments on this possibility.  If you want to consider substituting some other edition of one or more of the works we are reading for the edition(s) on order at Claflin Books, you should consult this additional page on Alternative Editions of Texts for the Course.



1.  Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Cat's Cradle.  Dell paperback

2.  Homer, The Odyssey.  Translated by Robert Fagles, with an Introduction and Notes by Bernard Knox.  Penguin papberback, 1997.

3.  Sophocles, The Three Theban Plays (Oedipus the King; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone).  Translated by Robert Fagles.  Notes by Bernard Knox.  Viking Penguin paperback.

4.  William Shakespeare, King Lear.  Edited by James Hammersmith , David Scott Kastan, Robert Kean Turner, and  David Bevington.   Foreword by Joseph Papp.  Bantam Doubleday paperback, 1988.

5.  Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote:  The Ingenious Hidalgo de la Mancha.  Translated by John Rutherford.  Viking Penguin paperback, 2001.

6.  Moli�re, Tartuffe:  A Comedy in Five Acts  Translated by Richard Wilbur. (Harcourt Brace paperback).  OR:  or The Misanthrope and Tartuffe.  Translated by Richard Wilbur.  Harvest paperback. 

7.  Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones.  Edited by R.P. Mutter.  Penguin Classics paperback.

8.  Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance:  An Inquiry into Values.  Harper Collins paperback, 2000.

The above 8 works are the only purchases required for this course, and the only texts for which I have placed a class order at Claflin Books and Copies.  There are a couple of extra items that some of you might be interested in acquiring.  But since these are only recommended, and would have to be acquired individually, by special order, I have listed them only on the supplementary page on Alternative Editions of Texts for the Course.

  Return to the Home Page for English 287:  Great Books.

  Questions or suggestions are welcome.  Please contact the instructor at lyman@ksu.edu .

  This page last updated 19 August 2003 .