English 287:  Great Books

Course Schedule -- Part 3
Spring 2005

1 Apr (F):  Quiz over Brecht's Life of Galileo.

4 Apr (M):  Begin the readings we are undertaking with Molière's play Tartuffe.  (See the list of Texts for the Course.)  For today:

6 Apr (W):  Finish Tartuffe (Acts 3, 4, 5).

8 Apr (F):  There will be a quiz today over Tartuffe.

To prepare for this, review carefully the following scenes from Tartuffe. 

  1. Act I, Scene 1 (pp. 11-17):  Madame Pernelle leaves in a huff.
  2. Act III, Scene 2, Tartuffe's initial appearance & Dorine's reaction
  3. Act III, Scene 3:  Tartuffe puts the moves on Elvire
  4. Act III, Scene 6:  Tartuffe deflects Damis's accusation

11 Apr (M): Come to class having read Chapters 1-10 of Voltaire's philosophical tale Candide  (See the list of Texts for the Course.)

There are two study guides to this work.  You may elect to use either, as you please:

13 Apr (W):  Candide, Chapters 11-20.

15 Apr (F):  Candide, Chapters 21-30.

18 Apr (M):  Quiz over Candide.

20 Apr (W):  Writing Assignment #2 (over a significant point of contrast between 2 of the works we've read since Plato)  is due by 5 p.m. under the office door at ECS-127.

22 Apr (F):  Come to class having read Chapters 1-7 (pp. 1-69) of Black Elk Speaks  (See the list of Texts for the Course.)

25 Apr (M):  Chapters 8-15 (pp. 70-144) of Black Elk Speaks.

Chapters 16-25 (pp. 145-207) of Black Elk Speaks, and the author's Postscript (pp. 208-210).

27 Apr (W):  Quiz over Black Elk Speaks.

29 Apr (F):  Come to class having read Part I (Chapters 1-13; pp. 3-87) of E.L. Doctorow's novel Ragtime.  (See the list of Texts for the Course.)

Dead Week begins.

2 May (M):  Read Part II Chapters 14-28; pp 91-77) of Ragtime.

4 May (W):  Finish reading Ragtime (i.e., Part II:  Chapters 29-40; pp. 181-270).

6 May (F):  Further discussion of Ragtime.

The Final Exam

The Prep Sheet for the Final Exam will be posted on Wednesday of Dead Week.
The Final Exam for the 10:30 Section will be held in our regular classroom

on Wednesday, May 11, from 11:50 a.m. to 1:40 p.m.

The Final Exam for the 11:30 Section will be held in our regular classroom

on Thursday, May 12, from 11:50 a.m. to 1:40 p.m.

  Suggestions are welcome.  Please send your comments to lyman@ksu.edu .

   Contents copyright © 2005 by Lyman A. Baker

Permission is granted for non-commercial educational use; all other rights reserved.

  This page last updated 25 March 2005 .