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Links relating to Kurt Vonnegut and Cat's Cradle
Tne Vonnegut Web is a comprehensive site devoted to Vonnegut's life and work
- Page on Cat's Cradle on The Vonnegut Web
The Epinions page on Cat's Cradle enables you to read customer reviews on the novel and compare prices at various on-line suppliers.
The page has links to reviews at 1bookstreet.com, Amazon.com, bamm.com, Barnes and Noble, buy.com, and half.com.
There are additional reviews at the Rosetta Books page on Cat's Cradle, a source for the novel in eBook format.
Mark Vit's Vonnegut Corner features student essays on Vonnegut's works, including several on Cat's Cradle.
(You can also download the essay collection as a zipped archive on your hard disk.)
The Kurt Vonnegut Web Guide is focused on secondary school readers, but has some material of interest to readers of all ages.
The Complete Kurt Vonnegut Web Page is a site created by an M.I.T. student for a literature course.
SparkNotes Guide to Cat's Cradle
Here you can sample some of the materials in the SparkNotes Guide to CC. If you like what you see, you can either order the entire guide in paperback format or acquire an on-line membership to SparkNotes.
The Kurt Vonnegut Book List is a convenient chronology of Vonnegut's publications in table form.
Welcome to the Monkey House, or How Kurt Vonnegut Changed Our Lives is a list of sources for all of Vonnegut's publications, for films based on his works, for audio tapes, and for some in-print books about Vonnegut and his fiction.
Audio Interview with Kurt Vonnegut Jr., conducted for CBS by Don Swaim in 1981. (Requires RealAudio player, downloadable from a link provided.)
There is a Study Guide on Cat's Cradle in four parts, designed for our course..
- SG to Chapters 1-35
- SG to Chapters 36-65
- SG to Chapters 66-96
- Sg to Chapters 97-127
Suggestions are welcome. Please send your comments to lyman@ksu.edu .
copyright © 2002 by Lyman A.
Permission is granted for non-commercial educational use; all other rights reserved.
This page last updated 19 August 2003.