This page is an index to materials you will want to consult in connection with our reading assignments in and about this poetic drama, or dramatic poem.
Goethe's work has been put on stage, as well as filmed. But it was intended primarily to be read, privately. Since, in 19th Century England, a study (a closed-off room for personal reading and writing) was known as a "closet," dramas that are not meant to be played in a theatre but read privately came to be known as "closet dramas." Some critics refer to Goethe's Faust as a "dramatic poem"; others insist on calling it a "poetic drama." Here we'll call it a "poem," a "drama," or "a poetic drama," as it seems convenient.
Unless otherwise noted, the page references below are to the edition ordered for our course: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust Part One: A new translation by David Luke (New York: Oxford University Press [Oxford World's Classics paperback], 1987.
Preliminary background information
(1) Before reading the poem, have a look at one mini-bio-sketch and one brief biography of the author
one of these mini-sketches of Johnann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Goethe bio at Goethe (Re)Collected
- Goethe bio by Barrett H. Clark (at Theatre Database)
- Goethe bio at (hmm)
- Goethe bio at
- Goethe bio at
- Goethe bio 1 or 2 at
- Goethe bio at
- Goethe bio at
- Goethe bio at
- Goethe bio by Bluepete
- Synopsis of Nicholas Boyle's Goethe: The Poet and the Age Volume I: The Poetry of Desire (1749-1790)
0192829815, paperback, 848 pages
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and one of these more detailed, but still very brief biographical sketches of Goethe.
- Goethe bio by Jane K. Brown (University of Washington)
- Goethe bio, at Pegasos (
- Goethe bio at Sergio Bolaños's Beethoven's World site
- Goethe bio from the Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed., 2001
(Also useful, but best used after you've become acquainted with the main outlines of Goethe's life, are:
- the Goethe chronology at Werther's World (The music you hear when you access this page is the melody [in an organ-like Midi rendition] to the Queen of Night's curse of her daughter Pamina, from Mozart's opera The Magic Flute.)
- the Faust/Goethe chronology in our text: pp. lxii-lxiv.)
You might also take a look at a couple of portraits of Goethe.
(2) Sometime while you're reading the poem, take a little time out to work your way through the first few pages of David Luke's introduction to his translation (Oxford World Classics), pp. ix-xx.
Luke's Introduction -- taken in full -- is fascinating, but also a bit overwhelming for someone who is gaining a first acquaintance with the poem. Feel free to read further in it -- or not -- as you find it useful or interesting.
Study Guides for use during your reading of the poem itself
There are a number of study guides and study questions for Faust Part One on the web. You might want to pick one of the following and use it to prime your attention in useful ways as you read the poem/drama.
Synopses, analyses of Goethe's Faust
The Faust legend
Other links
Suggestions are
welcome. Please send your comments to
Contents copyright ©
2003 by Lyman A. Baker.
Permission is granted for non-commercial educational use; all other rights reserved.
This page last updated 02 November 2003