Texts for the Course
Our basic text will be X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia's An Introduction to Fiction, 8th Edition (paperback). You may order this book through Claflin Books and Copies in Manhattan, Kansas. (Address: 1814 Claflin Road, i.e., in the little strip mall on the SW corner of the intersection of Claflin Road and Denison Avenue, across from the Goodnow dorm complex. Telephone: 776-3771.) The book is also available from Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble. (A credit card is required in order to insure prompt shipment.) |
Although by far the majority of our reading assignments will be in the Kennedy/Gioia text, some of our required readings will be on the Web. Almost all of these, though, will be study guides, discussions of certain basic literary critical concepts, and writing assignments. These will be linked to from the Course Schedule.
In a few cases one of the pieces of fiction we read will come from the Web rather than our text, or from a class handout.
This will happen in particular at the beginning of our course, in order to make sure that everyone has had an opportunity to acquire the main text before assignments are made in it.
Suggestions are welcome. Please send your comments to lyman@ksu.edu .
copyright © 2001 by Lyman A.
Permission is granted for non-commercial educational use; all other rights reserved.
This page last updated 03 February 2002.