Real Culture, Reproduction(s), and Rip-Offs

The 8th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium
March 11-13, 1999
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas


Deadline: October 9, 1998

"...the poets tell us, don't they, that the melodies they bring us are gathered from rills that run with honey, out of glens and gardens of the Muses, and they bring them as bees do honey, flying like the bees."

"'Reality' is the only word in the English language that should always appear in quotation marks."
-- My Life with Thrill Kill Kult

Invited Speakers:


The Kansas State University Program in Cultural Studies invites paper or panel proposals for its annual Symposium. All disciplinary perspectives, historical topics and periods, and methodologies are welcome, with a special invitation to interdisciplinary work and innovative formats.

Real Culture, Reproduction(s), and Rip-Offs will examine the tensions between authenticity and imitation in the realm of culture. How do proliferating modes of reproduction (mechanical, electronic, biotechnological) blur the boundaries between what is "real" or "original" and what is "copied" or "stolen"? Is realism or reality really dead? To what extent does the mimetic component of art make it always already not-real? To what degree are transgressive rip-offs cause for celebration, and when does artistic or cultural imitation become theft?

Abstracts for papers or panels. Proposals should be limited to one-page, single-spaced abstracts, and sent to Director of Program in Cultural Studies, Department of English, Denison Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. FAX: 785.532.2192.

Inquiries by email ( or by telephone (785.532.6716).

Suggested Topics

Folk Cultures, Authenticity, Originality, Origins, Twins (Evil, Hero, Wonder), Quotation, Sampling, Echoes, Reproductive Technologies, Computer Technologies, Cloning, Imitation, Andy Warhol, Mimesis, Covers, Improvisation, Hip Hop, Collage, Realism, Smuggling, Parody, Dubbing, Pranks, Plagiarism, Documentary, Photocopying, Copying, Downloading, Cindy Sherman, Trans/homovestites, Traditions & Individuals, Royalties, Trademarks, High Art, Copyrighting, Dopplegångers, Appropriation, Passing, Techno, Counterfeiting, Pastiche, Border Crossings, Borrowing, Piracy, Translation, Critical Realism, Gene Technologies, Bootlegging, Graffiti Art, Duchamp, Fertility Drugs, Drag, Transsexualities, Popular Arts, Found Art, Multiple Births, Signifying, Photography, Virtuality, Tagging, Cross-Cultural Borrowing, Homage, Cross Cultural Theft, Photorealism, Trompe d'oeil.

Program in Cultural Studies Homepage | Department of English