Who Counts?
What Counts? & Why?
9th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium
March 9-11, 2000
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

THURSDAY, March 9, 2000
2:00 - 3:15 p.m.
Session 1: U207, Spectacle, Commodity, Capitalism
Aimee Teslaw (KSU), "Joy and Sorrow: Three Authors' Uses of Vietnamese Food"
Dory Branch (KSU), "Jessica Hagadorn's Dogeaters: Postmodernism and the Society of the Spectacle"
Sean Noonan (KSU), "Accumulation, Guard Labor and Subsumption: The Capitalist Character of Advertising Labor"
Jon Bruning (Carthage Coll), "Un-Corporating Vision: Culture Jammers and the Subversion of Visuality"

Session 2: U212, Recovering Invisible Subjects
Mary Jo Marcellus (KSU), "What about Patriarchy? Finding a Paradox in the Recovered History of Mary Anne Sadlier's Irish Immigrant Life and Fiction"
Pia Moller (KSU), "Counting the Deconstructive Text: A Re-Evaluation of Martin Amis's London Fields"
Barbara Tracy (SE Comm Coll), "Reclaiming Appalachian and Melungeon Identity: Wilma Dykeman's The Tall Woman"
Sally Bailey (KSU), "Becoming Visible: Independent Living"

3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 3: U207, Counting Work in Anglo-American History
William Watson (U of Southern MS), "'The Ribs of My Story': Elizabeth Stuart Phelps's The Silent Partner and the Massachusetts Bureau of Labor Statistics"
Tonya Moutray (U of NE - Lincoln), "The Woman Who Tolls and the Rhetoric of Difference: A Revaluation of Women Factory Operatives"

Session 4: U212, Contesting Normative Erasures
Matt Cohen (Coll of William & Mary), "Counting Men: Gender and Quantitative Method in Cultural Studies"
Christopher Renner (KSU), "Invisible Sexuality: Negotiation of Sexual Orientation in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations"
Marisa Proctor (KSU), "DIScounting the Female Sports Fan"
Manisha Nordine (U of MN), "Counting Hits at Voices From the Gaps: The Demand for Research on Women Writers of Color"

7:30 p.m., Hemisphere Room, Hale Library
Fiction Reading by novelist Jewell Rhodes
"Magic City: Historical Erasure, Recovery, & the Literary Imagination"

FRIDAY, March 10, 2000
9:00 - 10:15 a.m.
Session 5: U 207, Indicators and Obfuscators of Cultural Confrontation
Sheyene Foster (KSU), "Talking Story: Use of 'Pidgin English' in the Literature of Cathy Song and Lois-Ann Yamanaka"
Juris Dilevko (U of Toronto), "What Counting Can Reveal: A Case Study of the Role of Library Collection Development Policies in Forging Bilingual National Identity"
Laura Khoury (RI Coll) & Seif Da Na (KSU), "The Political Economy of the Israeli New Historiography"

Session 6: U212, Expression and Recontainment
Joel Woller (Carnegie Mellon U), "'Free (to) the People:' Living History, Corporate Paternalism, and Popular Memory at the Carnegie Library"
Holly Burmeister (KSU), "Everybody Loves Lil' Neebo: Visions of Normalcy in A Japanese Internment Camp Comic Strip"
Chris Boyer (KSU), "Agrarianism in Post-Revolutionary Mexico: Populist Coalition or Faustian Bargain?"

10:30 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 7: U207, Experts, Numbers, and the Social Picture
David Glimp (U of Miami), "Counting and Government: Enumerating the 'Common Weal' in 16th Century England"
Sarah Igo (Princeton U), "Gallup Polls and Kinsey Reports: Imagining the American Community in the Mid-Twentieth Century"
Courtney Maloney (Carnegie Mellon U), "The Lens of Progressive Reform: Political Action and Immigrant Community in (and out) of The Pittsburgh Survey"

Session 8: U212, Spectacles of Invisibility: Prison and Youth Subcultures
Daniel Shea (Coll of Charleston), "'Like Men To Whom Something is Being Done': Gender, Power, and the Rape of Men in Popular Cinema"
Matt Brooks (KSU), "From Counting to Counted: Interrogating the Spectacle of Imprisoned White Bodies & (o)ther Representations"
William Auten (KSU) & Holly Hoe (KSU), "'Hey, Baby, Wanna See What's Hanging?': Socs, Greasers, and Subcultural Language in The Outsiders"

1:00 - 2:15 p.m.
Session 9: U207, On the Boats and On the Planes: They're Coming to America
Pam Ouelette (Baruch Coll - CUNY), "Left, Left, Left, Right, Left: Abraham Cahan and the Jewish Daily Forward"
George Guida (NYC Tech Coll - CUNY), "'A short man, very dark, with fierce black eyes': Horatio Alger's Italians and O. Henry's Dagoes"
Stacy Koron (U of NC - Chapel Hill), "Finding a Place for Battered Immigrant Women in U.S. Asylum Law"

Session 10: U212, Erasure and Expression in the Great Depression
Donna Potts (KSU), "No Count Dust Bowl Whores"
Michael Selmon (Alma Coll), "The Theater of 'Power'"
Charles Cunningham (Carnegie Mellon U), "'No Use To Me': The Marginality of African-American Agricultural Workers in Great Depression Culture"

2:30 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 11: U207, Recounting Graduate Experiences: Hybridity in Women's Personal, Communal, and Vocational Discourse
Jacqueline MacGrath (U of MO - Columbia), "An Inventory of Identity: Women Graduate Students and the Privileges of the Academy"
Lucia Pawlowski (U of MO - Columbia), "A Discourse of Hybridity: The Tension between Competition and Community in the Storytelling of a Women's Graduate Student Folkgroup"
Rachel Sage (U of MO - Columbia), "A Room of Our Own: An All-Female Graduate Seminar and the Question of Identities"

Session 12: U212, Costs and Contests of Sexual Normativity
Roger Adkins (U of AZ), "Sentenced to 'Sex': Intersexuality and the End(s) of Gender"
Don Adams (FL Atlantic U), "Ronald Firbank's Radical Pastorals"
Gregory Weight (U of DE), "Queers (That) Count"

4:00 - 5:15 p.m.
Session 13: U207, Anti-Intellectualism, Elitism, and Beyond
Dane Claussen (SW MO St U), "Anti-intellectualism as Constructed by American Media: Cultural Studies and Popular Magazine Coverage of Higher Education: 1944-1998"
Michael Dobberstein (Purdue U) & Clement Stacy (Purdue U), "The Academy Confounded: Elitism and the G.I. Bill Veteran"
Donald Hall (Cal St U - Northridge), "Exhibitionism as Critical Practice"

Session 14: U212, How Does Race Count?
David Kazajian (CUNY - Queens Coll), "Racial (In)calculability: Edgar Allan Poe's 'The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether' and the 1840 Census of the Insane"
Mike Elliott (KU) & Cotten Seiler (KU), "History's Double Helix: Jefferson, Hemings, and DNA Evidence"
Ann Morning (Princeton U), "Who Is Multiracial? Definitions and Decisions"

7:30 p.m., Union 212
Plenary Presentation by historian Marcus Rediker
"The Red Atlantic; or , 'a terrible blast swept over the heaving seas.'"

SATURDAY, March 11, 2000
8:30 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 15: U207, Coerced Displacement and Engineered Invisibility in Women's History
Susan Pagnac (OK St U), "'No rest can I have, whilst here I am a slave': Women's Coerced Emigration and Labor in Early Modern Ballads"
Sue Zschoche (KSU), "Dispensing with Private Life: Home Economics and the 20th Century American Home"
Marion Gray (KSU), "Enlightenment Vocabulary and Female Difference: Two Women Writers' Failure to Find Inclusive Language"

Session 16: U212, Counting Literature and Counting Class: International Perspectives
Hana Ulmanova (Charles U, Prague), "The Reception of American Literature in Czechoslovakia under Communism, 1945-1989"
Amy Murphy (OK St U), "From Phantoms to Flesh: Envisioning the Worker in Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Painting"
Kimberly Gladman (NYU), "The Upper Ten and Lower Million: Class Critique in American City Mysteries Novels"

10:00 - 11:15 a.m.
Session 17: U207, Representation and Evasion of Traumatic Extremity
Bonnie Butell (KSU), "Recognizing Physical Pain as the Object of War: The Masking and Representation of Pain in Vietnam War Narratives"
Carol Lahman (KSU), "Surviving the Vietnam War: The Safe Distance of Silence, the Reconciliation of Voice"
Peter Arnds (KSU), "On the Use of fairy tale in Holocaust Representations"
Lillian Kremer (KSU), "Holocaust Literature and the Gender Debate: (Under)Counting Women's Experience and Narrative"

Session 18: U212, The Politics of the Profession
Jeff Williams (U of MO - Columbia), "Professional Affects: The Other Politics of Tenure"
Andrew Hoberek (U of MO - Columbia), "The Problem with Hiring African-Americanists"

� An Afternoon of Featured Events �

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., U212
Video on Cabrini Housing Project

1:00 - 2:00 p.m., U212
Jamie Owen Daniel (U of IL - Chicago), "The Voices of Cabrini"

2:15 - 3:30 p.m., U212, Color Lines: Nation, State, and the Proliferation of 'Race'
Theodore W. Allen (Independent Historian), "'Race' and 'Ethnicity': History and the 2000 Census"
Mike Hill (U at Albany), "Will 'Race' Count in 2000?"
Mary L. Washington (Lehigh U), "Back Through the Looking Glass: The U.S. Census and Why Americans Have Always Counted 'Race'"

3:45 - 5:00 p.m. U212, Othermindednss: Hypertext on the Fringe
Stephanie Strickland, Deena Larsen, M.D. Coverly

5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Ana Rodrigues
"Societies of Control: How to Educate Dreams"

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