Hardt and Negri
The 20th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium
at Kansas State University, April 1, 2011
Fall 2010 Events.
Mini-Seminar in Cultural Theory: Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's "Empire" trilogy: Empire, Multitude, and Commonwealth
The purpose of this mini-seminar is to provide graduate students and faculty with the opportunity to study Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's "Empire" trilogy: Empire, Multitude, and Commonwealth. Students will learn how to navigate, comprehend, and use this significant but not always well-understood work of cultural theory. Students will also learn how to discuss the text and how to apply Hardt and Negri's ideas to their own cultural and intellectual inquiries.
Mini-Seminar Meeting Dates, Times, & Place: Sept 16, Oct 15, & Nov 12 | 3:30-5:00 | English/Counseling Services Building, Room 017
Tele-conference with Michael Hardt. Monday, November 29 | 5:00-6:00 | Leasure 013
Spring 2011 Events.
The Cultural Studies Program is delighted to announce that our featured guest this spring is Jasbir Puar, Associate Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University.
Please join us at a series of events this spring devoted to learning more about her work and the theories and writings of Hardt and Negri. Everyone is warmly welcome to join us at each of these events. The central session will be the Puar lecture at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 1, and we hope you can make it.
Seminar Discussion on the work of Jasbir Puar.
If you would like a copy of the readings for this seminar, please contact Gregory Eiselein (eiselei@k-state.edu), who can send you a copy.
Fri, March 11| 3:30-5:00 p.m. | English/Counseling Services Building, Room 017Seminar Discussion with Jasbir Puar on Applying Hardt and Negri.
Fall seminar participants, Hardt and Negri readers, and all with an interest in their work are invited to join us for a Jasbir Puar-led discussion on applying Hardt and Negri.
Fri, April 1 | 2:30-3:45 p.m. | Leadership Studies Building 201
Public Lecture by Jasbir Puar: "The Cost of Getting Better: Suicide, Sensation, Switchpoints."
Professor Puar's research interests include gender, sexuality, globalization; postcolonial and diaspora studies; South Asian cultural studies; and theories of assemblage and affect. She is the author of Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times (Duke UP, 2007), which won the 2007 Cultural Studies Book Award from the association for Asian American studies. In her book, Puar explores the intersections of current U.S. nationalist and anti-terrorist and neo-liberal discourse with homophobia, race, ethnicity, and gender.
Professor Puar will offer a public lecture on the popular anti-bullying campaign "It Gets Better" that addressed the suicides of LGBTQ teens and young adults.
Fri, April 1 | 4:30-5:30 p.m. | Union Little Theatre
Reception for Jasbir Puar.
Join us at the home of Greg Eiselein and Tanya Gonzalez to meet and welcome this year's special symposium guest.
Fri, April 1| 6:00-7:30 p.m. | 701 Harris Avenue (just off campus)
If you have any questions about this year's symposium, please don't hesitate to contact Don Hedrick (hedrick@k-state.edu) or Gregory Eiselein (eiselei@k-state.edu) anytime.
Sponsored by the Department of English, the Program in Women's Studies, and the Offices of the President and the Provost.