Faculty Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate 2024-2025 Members

Jessie Vipham, Agriculture
La Barbara Wigfall, Architecture, Planning, and Design
Martha Smith Caldas, Arts and Sciences
Brandon Savage, Business Administration (Co-Chair)
Jia "Grace" Liang, Education
Amir Bahadori, Engineering
Rachael Clews, Extension
Paige Adams, General University | Alternate: Ashley Knoll
Kristin Anders, Health and Human Sciences
Roger Adams, K-State Libraries
Merta Scott-Hall, Technology & Aviation, K-State Salina
Brad Cunningham, Term Appointment (Co-Chair)
Mike Apley, Veterinary Medicine
Alexa Heseltine, Student representative

Non-voting Attendees:
Tanya González: Liaison for the Provost
Charlotte Self: Liaison for Human Resources