2024-2025 Faculty Senators
Date in parenthesis indicates the academic year a senator rotates off Faculty Senate. An asterisk (*) indicates they are not eligilbe for re-election at the conclusion of that term.
Officers of Faculty Senate
President: Teresa Douthit
President Elect: Sara Luly
Secretary: Graciela Berumen
Past President
Non-Voting Parliamentarian
Agriculture (10) - Caucus Chair: Colby Moorberg
Brandie Disberger (2025)
Cassandra Jones (2025) (Co-Chair of University Planning)
Joann Kouba (2026) (Co-Chair of Academic Affairs)
Colby Moorberg (2025*)
Abbey Nutsch (2025)
Augustine Obour (2027)
Cassandra Olds (June 2023-May 2027*)
KC Olson (2026)
Chad Paulk (2026)
Jessie Vipham (2025)
Architecture, Planning, and Design (4) - Caucus Chair: La Barbara Wigfall
Grant Alford (Sept. 2023-May 2027)
Donald Crawford (2026*)
R. Todd Gabbard (2025*)
LaBarbara Wigfall (2027*)
Arts and Sciences (17) - Caucus Chair: Daniel Higgins
Christer Aakeroy (June 2021-May 2025)
Sonya Baker (2026)
Nathaniel Birkhead (2027)
John Blair (2025)
Marcellus Caldas (2027*)
Martha Smith Caldas (2025)
Elizabeth Dodd (2027)
Jessica Falcone (2026)
Bret Flanders (May 2024-2025)
Bruce Glymour (2026)
Dan Higgins (2026)
Laura Hohenbary (2025)
Mary Kohn (2025)
Christie Launius (2026*)
Rachel Levitt (2027)
Eve McCulloch (2027*)
Lisa Tatonetti (2026)
Business Administration (6) - Caucus Chair: Tareque Nasser
Hansin Bilgili (2026) (Co-Chair of Academic Affairs)
Kyle Bradley (2027)
Amy Hageman (2027)
Tareque Nasser (2025)
Edward Nowlin (2027)
Brandon Savage (2027)
Education (4) - Caucus Chair: Kimberly Staples
Jia (Grace) Liang (2025)
Sherri Martinie (2027)
Kimberly Staples (2027)
Andrew Wefald (2025)
Engineering (7) - Caucus Chair: Julia Keen
Amir Bahadori (2026)
Chris Jones (Sept. 2023-May 2025)
Julia Keen (2025)
Kimberly Kramer (2026)
Kevin Wanklyn (2027*)
Steve Warren (2027*)
Lisa Wilken (2025*)
Extension (5) - Caucus Chair: Joel DeRouchey
Rachael Clews (2026)
Joel DeRouchey (2025)
Sandra Johnson (2025)
Deborah Kohl (2026)
Judy O'Mara (2027)
General University (11)
Caucus Chair: Andy Thompson (primary)/Pamela Erickson (secondary)
Paige Adams (2026)
Pamela Erickson (2026)
Tara Fronce (2027)
Trisha Gott (2026)
Jason Maseberg-Tomlinson (2025*)
Laurel Moody (2026)
Ashley Noll (Sept. 2023-May 2025)
Marci Ritter (2027)
Andy Thompson (2027*)
Elliot Young (2025)
Rebecca Zecha (2025)
Health and Human Sciences (4) - Caucus Chair: Anthony Ferraro
Kristin Anders (2027)
Anthony Ferraro (2026)
Erin Martinez (Yelland) (2026)
Megan McCoy (2027)
Technology & Aviation (K-State Salina) (5)
Caucus Chair: Michael Oetken
Bill Genereux (June 2022-May 2027*)
Michael Oetken (2025*)
Merta Scott-Hall (2025)
Eric Shappee (2026*)
Drew Smith (June 2022-May 2027*)
Term Appointment Caucus (new in Spring 2022) (8)
Caucus Chair: Mary Sullivan (primary)/Sujatha Prakash (secondary)
Ashley Blake, General University (Feb. 2023-May 2025)
Brad Cunningham, General University (Sept. 2022-May 2025) (Co-Chair of Faculty Affairs)
Naqeebullah Kakar, Agriculture (2027)
Marcus Kidd, Education (2027)
Susan Maxwell, Arts and Sciences (2027)
Laura Perez, Arts and Sciences (2025)
Sujatha Prakash, Health and Human Sciences (Mar. 2023-May 2025)
Mary Emerson-Sullivan, Agriculture (2027*)
University Libraries (4) - Caucus Chair: Ryan Leimkuehler
Roger Adams (Sept. 2022-May 2027*)
Elizabeth Berney (2026)
Ryan Leimkuehler (2025)
Tom Misilo (2027)
Veterinary Medicine (7)
Caucus Chair: Nicolette Cassel (primary)/Justin Kastner(secondary)
Matt Basel (2026)
Christopher Blevins (2025)
Amy Brusk (2026*)
Nicolette Cassel (2025)
Justin Kastner (2027*)
Shane Lyon (2026)
Dave Renter (2027)
Student Representatives (3)
Zane Whitney, Graduate Student Council President
Paige Vulgamore, Student Body President
Carson Cuesta, Speaker of the Student Senate
University Support Staff Representative (1)
Kimm Dennis, University Support Staff Senate
Ex-Officio by position (full voting rights) (5)
Graciela Berumen, Co-Chair of JEDAII and Faculty Senate Secretary
Linda Craghead, Co-Chair of Professional Staff Affairs
Monica Curnutt, Co-Chair of Professional Staff Affairs
Gwen Sibley, Co-Chair of JEDAII
Phil Vardiman, Co-Chair of Technology