Upcoming Events

In the fall, KSBN will host a series of events focused on the book. Students will have opportunities to discuss the book inside and outside classes, to participate in a campus-wide multi-player game, and to attend lectures and programs designed to stimulate thinking about the book's often unsettling questions about mass culture and our world's future.

Event Date Location
Mockingjay Release Party Mon, Aug 23, 2010
11:00pm - 12:30am
K-State Student Union First Floor Concourse
Wildcat Games Aug 21-22 K-State at Salina
"Project Brainwash: Why Reality TV Is Bad for Women (… and men, people of color, the economy, love, sex and common sense!)"
Lecture by Jennifer Pozner, Founder & Executive Director of Women In Media & News
Tues, Sept 21, 2010
Forum Hall, K-State Student Union
Reality TV Bingo: Media Literacy Workshop with Jennifer Pozner Wed, Sept 22, 2010
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Cottonwood Room, K-State Student Union
The K-State Hunger Games by Union Program Council Sept 21-25 K-State Student Union
Video Contest Oct 15