BIOL 670 Immunology, offered every Spring
4 credits
MTUF 10:30-11:20 am and Thurs 7:00-9:00 pm
Immunology is capstone course that teaches the chemical, genetic, and biological properties of the innate and adaptive immune responses and antibody production. This course applies what students have learned in genetics, biochemistry and cell biology and does so in a new language (immunology!). Thus, the required courses genetics and biochemistry must be taken prior to enrolling. Cell biology and senior status are highly recommended. Students will work problems to demonstrate their knowledge.
BIOL 450 and BIOCH 521. BIOL 541 and senior standing are highly recommended.
Immunology Laboratory
BIOL 671 Immunology Laboratory, offered every Spring2 credits
M 2:30-3:30 and W 2:30-5:30
Immunology laboratory teaches immunological methods or methods involving antibodies. Many different types of research and laboratory technologists use these methods.
BIOL 670 or concurrent enrollment