Celebrate Craig's 40th year in college forensics graphic

Celebrate Head Coach Craig Brown

Photo of Head Coach Craig Brown This year is Craig Brown's 40th year working in speech! Craig has touched so many lives through his coaching and teaching. The stories are endless. In honor of his 40 years, the Communication Studies Department and K-State Speech will be hosting a celebration dinner on October 20th in the K-State Student Union Main Ballroom. If you are interested in attending the event please click the link below to RSVP. We hope you can join in celebrating Craig!

RSVP Craig Brown's 40th Celebration

KSU Speech is 10th in the Nation

Team Photo of KSU Speech

The KSU Speech team traveled to Colorado Springs to compete among the best college forensics programs in the nation at the American Forensics Association - National Individual Events Tournament. It is the 23rd time since 1992 that the KSU Speech Team has placed in the top 20. The team was led by four students who earned their way into elimination rounds in eight events. Logan Stacer, graduating senior in communication studies, placed second in communication analysis, fourth in informative, and fifth in poetry interpretation. Stacer finished as the seventh overall speaker at the national tournament. Nathan Dowell, sophomore in history, placed second in extemporaneous speaking. Two team members finished in the top 24 of their events advancing into quarter finals: Michelle Briggs, senior in psychology, advanced in informative speaking and poetry interpretation, and Elliot Holcomb, senior in kinesiology, advanced in persuasive speaking and after dinner speaking. It was a phenomenal year and the future of KSU Speech is looking strong!

Scholarship Campaign for Forensics

Continuing Forensics Excellence Fund – F58198

We plan to endow ten new scholarships for students on our forensics team. The purpose of this account is to support student scholarships and enhancements to the Forensics Team in the Department of Communication Studies within the College of Arts and Sciences at K-State.

Join the Team!

K-State's Speech Team is a competitive speaking and interpretation opportunity open to all undergraduates. We welcome any student willing to put in the work! Contact Forensics Director Craig Brown (craigb@ksu.edu) to learn more.