IFC Fraternity Interest

The recruitment process for IFC fraternities is an informal, year-round process. Chapters are actively recruiting for Spring 2025 & Fall 2025.


Get connected today!

Interested in joining a fraternity? Submit your profile to send your information to all of our fraternity chapters. Fraternity recruitment starts with showing your interest, do that here!

Submit your profile

Fraternities use an informal mutual selection process to recruit members for their chapter. This process is 365 days a year and it allows students to really narrow down the fraternity they feel they fit best with. Chapters may host recruitment events such as barbecues, sporting events, and dinners either in Manhattan or a place near your hometown. Interested in specific organizations? You're welcome to reach out to them to showe your interest and inquire about upcoming recruitment event opportunities.

Fraternity Contact Information



A bid is a formal invitation to join a fraternity that may be extended physically (letter, email) or verbally (in person, over the phone).

Throughout this year, recruitment chairmen will be extending invitations to join their fraternity. The chapter will provide a bid card with your name on it, ensuring your spot in their chapter for the fall semester. This is what binds you to their chapter and is an official document. Chapters with facilities may also give you a housing contract to complete.


New Member Verification Form

Already accepted a bid from a fraternity chapter? Congratulations, lets make it official! Please complete this New Member Verification Form as soon as possible, or within 48 hours of accepting your fraternity bid.

This form is required for all fraternity new members.


Past IFC Recruitment Events



Join over 100 potential new members in Manhattan for an full fraternity open house event. Meet all 21 fraternity presidents and tour all 17 facilities. Registration opens in December.

Spring Recruitment Expo

Meet chapters recruiting for the Spring. Tuesday, November 19th 5:30-7:00 pm in the Tallgrass Room in the Kramer Dining Center


Additional Resources

View these helpful resources to learn more about fraternity life at K-State and get more insight into the recruitment process.

Fraternity Life at K-State

Fraternity Recruitment