Aesthetic Experience and Interpretive Understanding. Students will develop interpretive skills and heighten aesthetic responses to literature, the performing arts, and the visual arts.
Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning. Students will gather and evaluate information, weigh alternative evidence, understand the likelihood of particular outcomes, and recognize when available evidence is inadequate to draw a conclusion.
Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility. Students will think through ethical dilemmas, make sound decisions when facing real-life situations, and apply ethical standards to social and environmental issues.
Global Issues and Perspectives. Students will be aware of values, perspectives, beliefs, behaviors, policies and customs from around the world by exploring the interdependence of people, nations and systems across the globe.
Historical Perspectives. Students will realize the need to understand the past and thoughtfully consider the future to contextualize current knowledge, to glimpse how it may continue to develop and to examine the roles they might play.
Human Diversity within the U.S. Students will develop an awareness of self and multiple perspectives about U.S. society and how group affiliation affects people's perceptions and experiences.
Natural and Physical Sciences. Students will use central facts, ideas and theories related to the study of living systems and the physical universe to evaluate the merit of scientific and technological claims.
Social Sciences. Students will understand how individuals, families, groups, institutions, governments and societies behave and influence one another and the natural environment; and analyze and understand interactions of various social factors that influence behavior at these multiple levels.
This information can be downloaded in pdf version: K-State 8 Information Sheet