Academic Programs
Choose from customizable degree and certificate programs that match your interests, document high-demand knowledge and skills, and prepares you for a rewarding career in the social, biological, physical, or environmental sciences.
Why Study Geography and Geospatial Sciences?
Geographers study differences in human activities from one place to another, assess human impacts on the environment and it's responses, and examine spatial structure and processes using mathematical and geospatial techniques, including geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, and "big data" analysis methods. Geographers are also leaders in the interdisciplinary field of Environmental Science which examines how natural and human processes interact and affect the Earth's lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere.
Geographers can also be specialists in the subfield of Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS&T) which explores effective use of geospatial technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), acquisition and analysis of remotely sensed imagery from unmanned and manned aircraft systems and satellites, computer mapping and programming methods, Web-based geographic services, and quantitative spatial analysis and modeling. GIS&T expertise is a valued knowledge and skill set in the social, biological, physical, and environmental sciences, as well as many engineering disciplines.