Dr. Marcellus M. Caldas
Professor and Interim Department Head
Contact Information
1001 Seaton Hall
- Ph.D., 2007, Michigan State University
- Ph.D., 2001, University of São Paulo
Current Research
Two current works. The first one examines the effects of wildfire in rural landscapes and how perceived wildfire risks shape agricultural land management and landowner decisions to engage in conservation programs and practices. Studying the interactions between wildfires, rural conservation efforts, and responses of farmers and landowners provides a critical foundation for understanding how environmental changes and extreme events may influence conservation activities. Knowledge about the relationships between wildfires and conservation land management practices will help both policy-makers and landowners make informed decisions about conservation programs. The second work seeks to develop a model to predict winter wheat yield at parcel level in Kansas.
Selected Publications
- Bergtold, J., Marcellus Caldas, Ramsey, S.R., Sanderson, M.R., Granco, G., and Mather, M.E. 2022. The Gap Between Farmers, Nonfarmers and Experts on the Perceived State of Natural Resources, Biodiversity, and the Environment: A Case Study in Kansas, USA. Journal of Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115186
- Sant’Anna, A.C., Bergtold, J.S., Shanoyan, A., Marcellus Caldas, Granco, G. 2022. Biofuel Feedstock Contract Attributes, Substitutability and Tradeoffs in Sugarcane Production for Ethanol in the Brazilian Cerrado: A Stated Choice Approach. Renewable Energy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2021.12.021
- Freitas, J., Mathis, A., Marcellus Caldas, Homma, A., Farias Filho, M., Rivas, A., Santos, K. 2021. Success or failure of Extractive Reserves in the Amazon? Research, Society, and Development. Vol. 10(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33448/rsd-v10i5.14631
- Marcellus Caldas, Bergtold, J.S., Peterson,J., Heinard, D. 2016. Factors Affecting Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Re-Enrollment in Kansas, USA. Journal of Land Use Science 11(5):579-594 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1747423X.2016.1215563
- Caldas MM, Sanderson MR, Mather M, Daniels MD, Bergtold JS, Aistrup J, Heier Stamm JL, Haukos D, Douglas-Mankin K, Sheshukov AY, Lopez-Carr D. Opinion: Endogenizing culture in sustainability science research and policy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Jul 7;112(27):8157-9.
- Member, Faculty Senate, Committee of Faculty Affairs
- Undergraduate Research Coordinator, Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences
- Chair of the International Educator of the Year Award Committee
Short Biographical Sketch
I identify myself as an environmental geographer who studies the interaction of social, economic, and environmental processes. My conceptual framework is derived from an economic and social perspective that considers the behavioral attitudes of agents, and implications for the environment. My teaching has been a bit more diverse, given my earlier training and the departmental requirements where I have taught.
As an environmental geographer who addresses human-environment interactions, I pay special attention to the behavioral attitudes of agents and implications of the environment. The research strategy I employ combines both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, utilizing data and insight gained from field investigation involving household surveys and key informant interviews.
In 2013, I received the International Educators of the Year Award, and in 2022, I was selected Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Sciences (AAAS) and the ENLACES Award from the Conference of Latin American Geographers.