Behzad Ghanbarian

Ph.D., Wright State University


Office: Thompson Hall 212A

Behzad joined the Geology Department as an Assistant Professor of Engineering Geology in the fall of 2017. Before joining K-State, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, for two and half years. He also worked as a reservoir engineer at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin TX. Behzad received his B.S. in water engineering from Isfahan University of Technology in 2005 and a M.Sc. in irrigation and drainage from the University of Tehran in 2007. He received his Ph.D. in environmental sciences from Wright State University in 2014. His research area covers a wide range of topics in geology, hydrogeology, environmental sciences and engineering, and petrology. Behzad’s main research focuses on applying fundamental theories from physics and math as well as multi-scale numerical techniques to model fluid flow and solute transport in heterogeneous porous rocks, fracture networks, soils and sediments. He also pursues unconventional methods to characterize physical and geomechanical properties of porous media using a combination of experiments, theories and numerical simulations.

Information about Behzad's research publications is available here .

More information is available on Behzad's personal website .