Employment opportunities

Most graduate students are able to finance their education with a variety of financial assistance tools specific to graduate school. In addition to looking for jobs while you're studying, you can also contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance for help.

Graduate Assistantships

Funded by individual departments and graduate programs, teaching, research and graduate assistantships are awarded based on a student's ability and promise. They usually last nine or 12 months at a time. The maximum appointment is half time, but appointments for lesser fractions also may be made. Continuation of appointments is subject to availability of funds and academic performance (GPA 3.0 or greater). Apply: Contact the department head.



Traineeships are offered through the university or departments that have federally supported traineeships. Apply: Contact individual departments for information.


Other Employment Opportunities

K-State's Career Center provides information about part-time work, both on and off campus. Jobs are updated daily. Some employers ask for continuous listings throughout the semester. These jobs can also be found on the Job Board in the K-State Student Union.