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- Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Grant
Graduate Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities, and Discovery (RSCAD) Grant
The Graduate School's RSCAD Grant provides financial support for research, scholarly, and creative work of K-State master's and doctoral students. This grant is supported by the Graduate School’s Education Enhancement and Accelerator funds and by the Kansas NASA Space Grant.
Spring 2025
Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis based on available funds.
Grants will be up to $1,000 for direct research costs.
Eligibility and funding guidelines
Applicant eligibility
Applicants must be enrolled in graduate credit for a master's or doctoral program at Kansas State University at the time of application and when funds are disbursed. Graduate students may receive this grant once during their K-State graduate education. Graduate students who were previously allocated an Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences Small Research Grant are not eligible for a Graduate RSCAD Grant.
Eligible expenses
Funding is to support direct expenses for your research, scholarly, or creative work that is a requirement of your graduate degree, and the funds are to support only the project described in your application. You must have a faculty member supervising project.
Examples of eligible expenses:
- Travel to use an archive
- Data collection
- Exhibition or performance expenses
- Materials or supplies
- Editing or transcription services
- Equipment and software - However, both equipment and software remain with Kansas State University when the student graduates unless the software requested is purchased as a monthly subscription. Applicants should not request funding for software currently available through Kansas State University.
Examples of expenses not covered by this grant:
- Receptions, food, or hospitality
- Travel expenses to present work at conferences or professional meetings (instead, students should apply for travel awards from their department or college, the Graduate Student Council, Student Governing Association, and professional associations.)
- Tuition, fees, or living expenses
Compile the following into a single PDF document, and label the file with your first and last name and GradRSCAD (e.g., Willie-Wildcat-GRSCAD.pdf):
Applicants who have a well-defined research plan (including a detailed project budget) that has been approved by their major professor/faculty supervising the research will be most competitive.
- Cover page with signature from your major professor/faculty member who is supervising your graduate research, scholarly, or creative work. Cover page form (pdf)
- One-page CV (single-spaced, 12pt font, one-inch margins)
- One-page research summary (single-spaced, 12pt font, one-inch margins)
- In narrative form, summarize your research: objectives, methodology overview, and how this work is significant in your field.
- Explain your project in a way that can be understood by people unfamiliar with your discipline. Reviewers will not necessarily be from your field of study and may not be familiar with specific terminology, concepts, or methodology in your work.
- Project plans, budget, and grant impact (no page limit)
- Describe how this grant will help you achieve the goals of your project. This includes an explanation of why expense items are necessary.
- Provide a detailed, itemized outline of project expenses and a plan for how grant funds will be used. A general category such as "printing" or "art supplies" with a single lump sum will not be considered.
Submit your single PDF document in the online application form.
Disbursement of funds
Grant funds will be disbursed to the department where the student's program resides, with direct payments or reimbursements to the student to be handled by the home department accountant.
Previous grant recipients
Recipients in 2023-2024 or earlier were awarded the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Small Research Grant. In 2024, the grant was expanded to provide support to graduate students in all disciplines.
Alan Boone |
Halle Brin |
Marzieh Ebrahimi PhD in Curriculum and Instruction The EEG Analysis of Fatigue and Engagement of Students Learning Science (The Case of Human Anatomy 3D AR/Non-AR App) |
Troy Fort PhD in Psychology Modulating Endocannabinoid Signaling to Treat Methamphetamine Relapse |
Emily Hemsath MS in Landscape Architecture From Vacant Lots to Green Network: Quantifying Ecosystem Services of a Vacant Lot Greening System |
Xavier Heron PhD in Psychology Using an ensemble of methods to improve the measure of conscientiousness: Natural Language Processing and Forced Choice |
Ali Lashgari PhD in Economics Comparing Text Mining and Technical Analysis for S&P500 |
Hye Jin Lee MS in Human Development and Family Science - Couple and Family Therapy Cultural Nuances of Thwarted Belongingness and Perceived Burdensomeness Linked to Asian American Suicidality. |
Kyra Litwin MS in Fine Art The Yawning Grave |
Javier Martinez PhD in Health and Human Sciences - Kinesiology Multilevel factors associated with physical activity among Hispanic working mothers |
Justin Montney PhD in Health and Human Sciences - Kinesiology Creating a Theory-Based Cardiac Rehab Education Program to Improve Long-Term Physical Activity Behaviors & Psychological Wellbeing |
Emily Moore MS in Landscape Architecture Perceptions of children’s contact with nature and utilization of green schoolyards for equitable access to greenspace |
Cale Morrow PhD in Leadership Communication Theatre Performance Techniques for Increased Social and Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution |
Chelsea Olson MS in Nutrition, Dietetics, and Sensory Sciences The Relationship Between the Rated Sweetness of Infant Formulas and Anthropometric Measures During Infancy |
Meredith Park MS in Architecture Mass Timber Construction Community Center in Madrid, Spain |
John Pileggie MS in Regional and Community Planning Dilapidated to Vibrant: Adaptive Reuse as a Catalyst for Urban Regeneration |
Maria Portillo MS in Human Development and Family Science - Couple and Family Therapy Self-Determination, stigma, mononormativity, and relational outcomes in open relationships |
Elaheh Rabiee PhD in Agricultural Economics The Pet Food Puzzle: Unveiling Nutritional Value to Tackle Obesity |
Ashley Schiffer PhD in Psychology The Effects of Age, Gender, and Individual Differences on Third-Person Perceptions of Suicide by People with Terminal Illnesses |
Claire Schneider MS in Landscape Architecture More than a Blank Slate: Place attachment of residents in neighborhoods with high vacancy |
Christine Seitz PhD in Psychology Labor and Leisure: Investigating the Construct Space of Leisure Interests and Developing a Multi-modal Multi-dimensional Model of Measurement |
Colby Stevens MS in Music Copland - Thomson Circle Document Retrieval |
Seungmin Yang PhD in Economics Cultural Peer Effects on Doctoral Students: Evidence from Chinese Intensive STEM Programs |
Brooke Dennis MS in Theatre - Drama Therapy Thank God for That- An Ethnodrama Exploring the Lives of LGBTQ+ Christians |
Ju Ann Park PhD in Health and Human Sciences - Couple and Family Therapy Couples Talk about Sex: A Study on Sexual Communication and Suggestions for Curriculum Development |
Nicole Beard
MS in Landscape Architecture Neighborhood-Led Tactical Placemaking Strategies as an Empowerment Tool for Neighborhood Activation of Vacant Lots |
Cassandra Beattie
PhD in Human Ecology, specialization in Kinesiology Rehab to Fitness: A Novel Fitness Audit Process for Personal Trainers and Coaches |
Victoria Brenneis
MS in Landscape Architecture Informing well-being by creating supportive environments: Applying the Supportive Environments for Effectiveness framework to long-term care design |
Makenzie Burmeister
MS in Fine Art Collisions |
Audrey Cox
PhD in Counseling and Student Development, specialization in Leadership in Academic Advising Academic Bullying in the College Setting |
Elizabeth Daniels
MS in Public Health Classroom food-based rewards: Policy vs practice |
Abigail Danner
MS in Landscape Architecture Building Blocks of Inclusion: Minecraft as a Tool for Youth Engagement |
Chloe Gillespie
MS in Landscape Architecture Visualizing Walkability: Exploring resident's preferences for complete street design and urban trails using immersive 360° video |
Maryam Kazemidemneh
PhD in Environmental Design and Planning The influence of light on people's perception of safety using Virtual Reality (VR) technology |
Ailun Li
PhD in Economics Engel Curves on Outsourcing and Foreign Environmental Regulations: A Valued-Added Approach |
Zhuowei Li
PhD in Environmental Design and Planning Understanding the Multi-faceted Factors in Urban Green Space Distribution from Environmental Justice and Urban Political Ecology perspectives |
Juhwan Lim
PhD in Human Ecology, specialization in Hospitality Administration Predicting the Big five personality traits using voice and face recognition techniques during a job interview |
Roberta Meloni
PhD in History Unattainable Expectations: Radio and Misconceptions in American-East Asian Relations during the Cold War Era |
Ngoc Yen MyNguyen
MS in Mass Communications In State, We Trust: Exploring Media Trust, News Exposure, and Trust in Government in a Government-controlled System |
Katherine Olson
MS in Interior Architecture Bridging the Gap: Designing for Intergroup Contact to Combat Polarization in Urban Environments |
Megan Palmer
PhD in Human Ecology, specialization in Couple and Family Therapy Trauma Bonding Correlates |
Silvan Plattner
MS in Modern Languages Physical Manifestations of Ungrammaticality |
Bryan Raymundo
MS in Fine Art These Things Happen At Night |
Creigh Rourke
MS in Agricultural Education and Communication Celebrity vs. Influencer Endorsements: How Commodity Organizations Can Impact Consumer Behavioral Intention |
Shannon Ruble
PhD in Psychology Role of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Social Dominance in Active Avoidance |
Aspen Streetman
PhD in Human Ecology, specialization in Kinesiology Stronger Together: A Multigenerational Powerlifting Intervention |
Trey Switzer
MS in Music Digital Audio Recording Project: Underrepresented Composers |
Mobashsira Tasnim
MS in Geography Urban Sprawl and its impact on mangrove forest cover in Ilheus City, Bahia, Brazil |
Michael Tollefsrud
PhD in Psychology Accuracy and Precision of Passive Auditory Working Memory |
Aaron Trujillo
MS in Communication Studies Historic Rhetoric of the Paid Family Leave Debate |
Taylor Vargo
PhD in Psychology What Role does Causality Play in Comprehension of Expository Teaching Materials and do Cognitive Load and Individual Differences Impact that Role? |
Darin Volwiler
MS in Family Studies and Human Services, specialization in Couple and Family TherapyTrauma Therapy: Integrating Yoga and Psychotherapy |
Shaedon Wedel
MS in Landscape Architecture Integrated Rainwater Harvesting in Urban Marginalized Communities Based on People's Needs and Preferences |
Billy Croslow |
Carmen Gray PhD in Human Ecology Family Matters: Exploring the Impact of Parents and Siblings on Racial Socialization in Black, Emerging Adults |
Carson Scheer MS in Landscape Architecture The Influence of Environmental Attributes on Indicators of Wellbeing Across Greenspace Types within Virtual Landscape |
Elena Masrour MS in Fine Art Iranian Women in Power: Large Scale Paintings as Public Dialogue |
Eliza Seagrist MS in Landscape Architecture Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Neighborhood Satisfaction: A Comparison Study on Familiarity, Preferences, and Degrees of Comfort |
Jacob Miller-Klugesherz |
Jennifer Switzer MS in Family Studies & Human Services Women in the Military: Who is seeking mental health services? |
Jessica Williams PhD in Adult Learning & Leadership The Struggle is Our School: A Multiple Case Study of the Use of the Bible in the Movement to End Poverty Led by the Poor |
Josh Harris PhD in Personal Finance Planning Examining Key Relationships in Financial Socialization: How Do Parents, Siblings, and Romantic Partners Impact Financial Attitudes of Young Adults? |
Kye Kordonowy MS in Landscape Architecture Preferences in Play and the Connections to Biophilic Design: A Qualitative Study on Children’s Preferences of Play Spaces |
Michael McNair PhD in Environmental Design & Planning Channel Evolution and Streambank Erosion in the Black Vermillion Watershed |
Nadeeshani Ratnayaka MS in Apparel & Textiles Utilization of Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Husk Waste as Potential Source of Natural Dye for Sustainable and Entrepreneurial Development. |
Nadeeshani Ratnayaka MS in Apparel & Textiles DHYANA: Heal Within. Sustainable and Functional Yoga and Lounge Wear Collection for Women with Skin Related Autoimmune Diseases. |
Nicholas Gallivan PhD in Psychology Examining Americans’ Climate Change and Civic Engagement Attitudes and Behaviors |
Nora Balboa PhD in Psychology What We Say Versus Why We Do: A Basic Three-Factor Model of Helping Decisions in Hypothetical and Actual Helping Situations |
Peter Maier MS in Public Health Vaccine Hesitancies and Vaccine Mandates |
Raymond Thomas PhD in Agricultural Economics Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Practices in the U.S. |
Sepideh Badahshanian MS in Fine Art Deprivation |
Shawn Bucher PhD in Human Ecology Effectiveness of Room Service in Long-term Healthcare on Customer Satisfaction, Plate Waste, and Food Cost |
Shea Kister MS in Fine Art Please, Sit Down. |
Shelby Astle PhD in Human Ecology The Relationship between Mother’s Experiences of Sexual Violence and Parent-Adolescent Communication about Sexual Violence |
Tiffany Gantz MS in Family Studies & Human Services Preparing Future Clinicians for working with Military and PTSD: A Qualitative study from professionals currently working in the field |
Tucker Jones |
Jaeyoung Ha PhD in Environmental Design and Planning The Effect of Landscape Biodiversity on Mental Health Among College Students: Perceived Biodiversity, Restorative Potential, and Preference |
Adelaide Klutse MS in Family Studies and Human Services - Applied Family Science Tentative title: Post COVID-19 Families- How Early Educators facilitate Socio-Emotional Development in their students during the COVID-19 Pandemic. |
Inneke Sarwono PhD in Hospitality Management What Motivates Customers to Help Restaurants during a Widespread Crisis? Exploration of Consumer Behaviors during COVID-19 Pandemic. |
Zaw Wai Htoo PhD in Human Nutrition - Public Health Nutrition Nutritional supplements on bowel and metabolic functions in healthy adults |
Hannah Shear |
Yanli Wang PhD in Human Nutrition Prevent and manage high blood pressure using theory-based comprehensive nonpharmacological approaches |
Hailey Quick MS in Fine Art The Tipping Point |
Lathan Mastellar MS in Fine Art TRANSCENDigital |
Justin DeBlauw PhD in Kinesiology HRV and Cycling Endurance Performance |
Hamed Goharipour |
Madison Quincke Professional Master of Landscape Architecture Relief for an Unquiet Mind: Improving outdoor environments for mental health facilities through user-oriented design |
Spencer Sanders Professional Masters of Landscape Architecture Plantings with People in Mind |
Hayley Fisher PhD in Philosphy, Psychology The role of a thalamocortical circuit in neural compensation in a cued-trial operant devaluation task in rats |
George Browne PhD in Philosphy, Sociology A Multilevel Assessment of Judicial Characteristics’ effect on Sentencing Outcomes in Kansas |
Kimberly Newberry |
Shelby Astle MS in Family Studies and Human Services - Applied Family Science Parent-Child Communication about Sex and Relationships |
Dee Roof MFA in Graphic Design Pollenative: design meets conservation |
Annamarie Sisson PhD in Philosophy, Hospitality Administration Leadership skills with classroom instruction integration in hospitality management higher education |
Mohammad Rahman MA in English The Speech that Settled Kansas: A Scholarly Digital Edition of Eli Thayer’s “Rousing” Abolitionist Lecture at Providence |
Marie Mencher Professional Master of Music Consortium-building to commission new music |
Jennifer Hudson MFA in Painting Curated (dis)Comfort |
Misun Kim MS in Hospitality Administration Improving employee (Gen Y) well-being through work breaks using virtual reality |
Emily Oertling PhD in Philosophy, Human Ecology Enculturation and Acculturation in San Pedro La Laguna |
Sarif Patwary PhD in Philosophy, Human Ecology Developing and Testing a Simplified Guideline for Sustainable Clothing Consumption |
Soomin Kim PhD in Philosophy, Life Span Human Development Preschoolers' leadership, language, and self-regulation in outdoor pretend play |
Grace Mader Professional Master of Landscape Architecture Design[ed] Fields: Considering the Collaboration Between Landscape Architecture and Sustainable Agriculture in the Design of Multifunctional Landscpes |
Andrew Alexander PhD in Human Ecology, Kinesiology Enhancing Quality of Life: The Need to Understand Maximal Exercise and Exercise (In)Tolerance |
Patrick Dittamo Professional Master The Prehistory and Reception of Leonard Bernstein's Missa Brevis (1988) |
Aaron Entinger PhD in Psychology Promoting Safe-sun Behaviors in Outdoor Workers and Managers |
Shane Hammer PhD in Human Ecology, Kinesiology Function outcomes measured after consumption of a sugary drink |
Cale Helper MS in Kinesiology Marksmanship Accuracy Under Stress |
Juhyun Kang PhD in Hospitality and Dietetics Administration How impression management among colleagues impacts on service performance?: A social network perspective on impression management |
Jessica Levey Master of Fine Arts Functional Ornamentation |
Mauresa Mitchell Master of Fine Arts UnBEElievable |
Hyung Hwa Oh PhD in Hospitality and Dietetics Administration Antecedents and Consequences of Service Improvisation in the Restaurant Industry |
Eunhye Park PhD in Hospitality and Dietetics Administration Exploring customers' perceptions toward green restaurants using user-generated contents and machine learning |
Madelyn Pospisil MA in English Collisions |
Avantika Ramekar PhD in Geography Living with oil and Natural Gas: A Risk Perception Study Among Adults in Kansas and Oklahoma |
Rebecca Spruill Master of Fine Arts Theisis Exhibit-Kinda Funny |
Jesse Stein PhD in Human Ecology, Kinesiology Effects of Dietary Supplementation on Intermittent Critical Velocity |
Wenhao Zhang PhD in Hospitality and Dietetics Administration Reducing College Students' Plate Waste through Displaying the Amount of Waste and Messaging about Food Waste: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior |
Basem Boutros PhD in Hospitality Administration Self-Reported Food Safety Behavior in Independent Ethnic Restaurants: An Application of the Social Cognitive Theory |
WooHyuk Kim PhD in Human Ecology Exploring the effects of green marketing messages in the convention industry |
Ting Li MS in Mass Communications Social Media Usage and Likelihood of Online Mental Help-Seeking among Young Adults |
Xiaoye Li PhD in Hospitality Management "Seeing through consumers' eyes": Exploring online restaurant selection behaviors using eye-tracking technology |
Quan Long MS in Mass Communication Gender differences in motives and uses of social live streaming services |
April Terry PhD in Sociology Coercive sexual environments: Criminal justice involved girls in the heartland |
Oscar Vazquez Medrano Masters of Music Franz Liszt and his Musical Influence in the Neoromantic Piano Works by Manuel M. Ponce |
Celia White Masters of Architecture Create A Spark: A Mural for Eureka, Kansas |
Tsz Wai Wong Masters of Landscape Architecture Participatory design of water-harvesting landscape as public space in rural India |
Tsz Wai Wong Masters of Landscape Architecture Participatory design of water-harvesting landscape as public space in rural India |
Brooke Cull PhD in Human Nutrition Enhanced Health Promotion in Girl Scouts through Video-Based Leader Wellness Training |
Takara Geck Master of Fine Arts, photography Evidence of my (Mal) Adjustment |
Ainslie Kehler PhD in Human Ecology An Epidemiological Examination of Reproductive Health in Female Law Enforcement Officers |
Miranda Klugesherz MA in Communication Studies "Four Years of Ramen and Poverty:" Participatory Research and Food Insecurity on College Campuses |
Mutiara Kusuma PhD Human Nutrition Strengthening competence of dietetics students on providing nutrition care for HIV patients: Application of attribution and transformative learning theory |
Lora McGraw MA in Sociology Engaging Men and Questioning Masculinities: An Evaluation of Male-Based Sexual Assault Prevention Programs |
Thea Meussling Master of Fine Arts, ceramics A Visit with Tooflady |
Kelsie Shy Masters of Landscape Architecture Design for Elephant Conservation |
Erica Sponberg PhD in Curriculum and Instruction Single Case Design and the L2 in a Second Language Classroom |
Chen-Wei Tao PhD in Human Ecology Restaurant service sabotage: Establishing evidence for scale validity |
Brandon Williams Master of Fine Arts, printmaking MFA Thesis Research |
Brian Anderson Master of Music Afro-Cuban Percussion: Its Roots and Uses in Orchestral Percussion |
David Arndt PhD in Psychology Role of HDAC Inhibition and Environmental Condition in Altering Phases of Amphetamine Self-Administration |
Erik Garcia PhD in Psychology Metabotropic glutamate receptors and the incubation of drug craving |
Brittany Hollerbach MS in Kinesiology The First 20 Exercise Training Program and Fire Academy Recruits’ Fitness and Health |
Myra Holt Master of Fine Art, photography Windows on Time |
David Kaye MS in Mass Communications Same Song, New Dance: Analyzing Market Structure and Competition in the Digital Music Aggregation Industry |
Stephanie Kurti PhD in Human Ecology, kinesiology Does physical activity status modify airway oxidative stress associated with aging? |
Trias Mahmudiono PhD in Human Nutrition Nutrition Education for Overweight/Obese Mother with Stunted Children (NEO-MOM) |
Elizabeth Musoke PhD in Environmental Design and Planning Understanding the Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Practices in the Mara River Basin, Kenya |
Parker Ruskamp Masters of Landscape Architecture Investigating Stress Triggers and Characteristics of the Built Environment |
Erin Schwant MS, in Family Studies and Human Services Inter-Individual Differences in Regulatory Strategies in Infancy |
Jared Sickmann Masters of Landscape Architecture ParkingScape: Implementing Portable Landscapes to Enhance Aggieville's Streetscape |
Kelly Yarbrough Master of Fine Art, drawing MFA Thesis |
Direct questions about the Graduate RSCAD Grant to Dr. Megan Miller (mmmiller@ksu.edu), Assistant Director of Graduate Student Success.