MAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Thesis Award

The MAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Thesis Award serves to recognize and reward distinguished scholarship and research at the master’s level. Each recipient of a MAGS Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award will receive a $750 honorarium.

Eligibility Guidelines

  • The thesis must contain original work that makes an unusually significant contribution to the discipline and must be in a format that conforms to accepted disciplinary standards.
  • Original works accepted by an institution “in lieu of thesis” (such as musical compositions, published books, works of art, computer software, etc.) may not be nominated.
  • The effective date of degree award, or the completion of master’s degree requirements, must fall in the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025.
  • Since the intent of the competition is to recognize scholarship by students who are pursuing their first graduate research degree, individuals who received a PhD (or comparable research degree) in any discipline prior to the writing of the master’s thesis are not eligible. However, recipients of a first professional degree awarded prior to the writing of the thesis may be nominated.

2026 Award

K-State will select one nominee for each of the two award categories described below. Graduate program directors should determine the category in which their nominee's work fits best. Nominations from fields of study not listed below are welcome for submission so long as the nature of the thesis work fits within one of the two competition categories. Awards will be presented in Engineering, Math and Physical Sciences and Social Sciences in 2027.

1) Humanities & Fine Arts

The following list, although not all-inclusive, illustrates the fields considered as Humanities/Fine Arts: history; philosophy; language; linguistics; literature; archaeology; jurisprudence; the history, theory and criticism of the arts; ethics; comparative religion; and those aspects of the social sciences that employ historical or philosophical approaches.

2) Biological/Life Sciences

The following list, although not all-inclusive, illustrates the field considered as Biological and Life Sciences: biology; botany; zoology; ecology; embryology; entomology; genetics; nutrition; plant pathology; plant physiology; anatomy; biochemistry; biophysics; microbiology; pathology; pharmacology; physiology; and related fields. Also included are agriculture, forestry, and related fields.



Questions about the nomination process for this award may be directed to Miranda Schremmer,, 532-6191.